
  1. I

    After backup of vm it is not able to completely up.

    Hello Team, After backup of vm it is not able to completely up. it,s sometime stuck, and services not running after up. how can we fix it,
  2. S

    Frage zur Cluster einrichtung mit Storage

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe meine Proxmox Reise erst gestartet und stoße gerade ein bisschen auf ein Probleme. Folgende config ist vorhanden: 2 Dell Server Nodes mit jeweils 1Tb RAID 1 stärker CPU und 128 Gb RAM diese sind per SAS an einen Storage angeschlossen mit zwei Controllern der ordentlich...
  3. M

    Security Alert - Suspicious Connections Detected on My Server

    Hello , My public IP address is zho connect with ssh. While analyzing active connections using the ss -tnp command, I noticed several foreign IP addresses connected to my server on port 111 (rpcbind), as shown below: These IP addresses do not belong...
  4. M

    Security Alert - Suspicious Connections Detected on My Server

    Hello , My public IP address is While analyzing active connections using the ss -tnp command, I noticed several foreign IP addresses connected to my server on port 111 (rpcbind), as shown below: These IP addresses do not belong to...
  5. J

    VM Stops During SQL Backup

    I'm working with a Windows Server 2022 VM on Proxmox 7.4-3, using SQL Express as my DB Server. Whenever I run a .bat file to backup my databases using cmd commands, the vm stops and I've to access proxmox to start the vm again. Does this happened to anyone else?
  6. K

    Frage zu Raid {Hardware and/or ZFS}

    Moin, ich habe eine Frage zu Raidsystemen bzgl. der Performance und Handhabung: 1. Wie ist das heutzutage mit Raidkontrollern, ich kann mich noch an Adapter vor ca. 15 Jahre erinnern, wenn dort der Strom weg war und der Akku defekt, dann waren auch die Raid Konfigurationen hinüber, somit war...
  7. D

    simple clustering question

    im currently using hyper v and have some clusters setup. ive only just started tinkering with proxmox on a single server, and currently have 3 identical servers, and 2 others that are different. if i moved all servers over to proxmox would they all work together without any issues or would they...
  8. E

    [SOLVED] Mini-Server < 650€

    Hallo Gemeinde, ich will den Schritt wagen, meine 3x Raspberry´s (Gen3-4) durch einen Mini-Server ersetzen und brauche daher euren Rat. Derzeit laufen: Raspberry 1: Homeassistant Raspberry 2: Valtwarden, Linkstack, Gotify, Watchtower, Traefikv2 + Crowdsec, Authelia, Wireguard Raspberry 3...
  9. R

    Proxmox not a boot option (But can boot with a boot override) If i leave the server alone, it just bootloops and says no device found.

    Hi there, When I try and restart/start my server it does not auto boot into Proxmox and is only available as a boot override option and not in the boot options (where you can configure the drive priorities.) I have been told that this may be a EFI Issue. Has anyone ran into this before? Thanks...
  10. T

    Ubuntu VM Can't get apache2 to work outside the network

    I am running Proxmox on a Raspberry Pi 5 (unofficially arm64 version). I set up an Ubuntu Server VM on the Proxmox interface, I installed only SSH, apache2 and PHP on the VM and I also enabled firewall and allowed 'Apache Full' and 'OpenSSH'. My */etc/apache2/sites-enabled/colinm_de.conf* config...
  11. D

    Plötzlicher Verbindungsabbruch des Servers

    Ich bin relativ neu im Thema Proxmox und habe drei VMs auf meinem MiniPC laufen. Aktuell habe ich das Problem, dass der Server ab und zu für 5 bis 30 Minuten einfach ausklinkt. Also der MiniPC mit Proxmox und die VMs laufen normal weiter, nur kann ich weder auf die Web-Oberfläche noch auf die...
  12. M

    45Drives HL15 for PBR

    Has anyone tried using the 45 drives HL15 for their PBR server? I'm at a point where my pbr, running as a vm on my pve server, with nested storage isn't going to work long term or be very dependable long term, in fact it's already crashed twice and I lost my data. The first time I lost my...
  13. F

    CEPH vs RAID

    Hello, I would like to ask you a few questions about CEPH. Currently, I'm working on critical infrastructure for my client, and I'm planning to use servers with hardware RAID. My first question is whether I should opt for CEPH or classic RAID on these servers? The second question is whether it's...
  14. R

    Proxmox startup error

    Hi, after turning off the server, when I start it gives me the error that I attach in the photo, the server has two disks, one 500 GB for the operating system and one 2 TB for the VM, does anyone know how to resolve it?
  15. R

    Bond0 ProxMox slow internet speed

    hi, I installed two Mellox network cards of 10 gbit each, but when I make the bond with the two network cards the maximum speed is 9 gbit, always the same dedicated if I install windows and configure lcap the connection speed is 20 gbit, so the cards work correctly, how do I solve the problem on...
  16. B

    [SOLVED] Network configuration on a Cisco UCS Blade

    Hello everyone, We would like to use Proxmox on a Cisco UCS B200 M-Series Blade. We've already installed the latest Proxmox version on the Host. From the network side on the switch we've configured two LACPs which has 4 ports each. With the VLANs 9 for management and 201, 4092 for data. This...
  17. P


  18. A

    Hilfe benötigt - Proxmox-Server nach SSD-Umzug ohne Internetverbindung

    Hallo Community, ich stehe vor einem Problem und hoffe auf eure Unterstützung. Ich habe kürzlich eine SSD in meinen Laptop eingebaut, auf der ein Proxmox-Server installiert war. Alles funktionierte einwandfrei, bis ich die SSD in einen anderen PC eingebaut habe. Seitdem habe ich keine...
  19. M

    Proxmox dies when i try to install win11

    Guys, please help me. When I try to install windows11 on my proxmox which is on virtualbox, I wait couple minutes when it says installing some components and when the installation is done my vm freezes and server crash. I tried bunch of different iso images but none of them work correctly. Does...
  20. T

    Script that communicates with Server

    Hey im pretty new to Proxmox and i got a Excercise from my trainer to build up a connection between out Company-Notebook and our new Server. The script should check all Versions of the open source software we use. Then it pulls the current Version thats established in the server, compares it and...