
  1. P

    Ubuntu VM Root Passwort vergessen

    Hallo, bin neu hier und hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen. Ich verzweifele daran mich an einem Ubuntu VM anzumelden. Leider ist das Root Passwort nicht mehr auffindbar. Gibt es einen Trick dieses über den Host zu ändern ? Ich habe es schon mit dem Befehl "pct enter 500" versucht. Dann kommt die...
  2. P

    [SOLVED] Connect by sftp on container but not as root

    Hi Proxmox Community! After much research on the subject and yet still no concrete answer, I ask for your help to try to resolve an issue on unprivileged containers. I try by all means to connect on my containers SFTP but without using the root account created by default. Each time I try to...
  3. I

    [TUTORIAL] Troubleshooting faulty zfs.config

    I've made a mistake today. I was trying to modify l2arc_write_max and l2arc_write_boost. What i did was: CAREFUL THIS IS WRONG options zfs l2arc_write_max 67108864 options zfs l2arc_write_boost 134217728 it should be options zfs l2arc_write_max=67108864 options zfs...
  4. L

    "Missing device in multi-device" boot error zfs raidz-1

    Hello, I have a Proliant DL380 G7 with dual CPU (x5690) and HP P410i smart raid controller. The controller does not support HBA / JBOD so I initialized the disks all as a single volume. I have the following drives available: - 1 SSD 120 GB for ZFS caching - 3 78 GB 15K SAS drives planned for...
  5. mattlach

    Root on ZFS using /dev/sdX device names?

    Hey all, I installed Proxmox to a mirrored pair of SSD's quite a while ago. I noticed almost immediately that the resultant rpool used old fashioned linux device names: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM rpool ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0...
  6. S

    TigerVNC connect with another user than root???

    I installed Proxmox and using VMs. I connecting in local network with TigerVNC by root. But i want connect by another user. I added new user on system and added to /etc/inetd.conf 59008 stream tcp nowait ariff /usr/sbin/qm qm vncproxy 116 59009 stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/qm qm vncproxy...
  7. X

    How to Disable Web GUI Root Login

    Hi My proxmox server was deployed on the internet and I don't want to expose my root account with Web GUI console to the world for brutal force attack. I have already disabled SSH root login but cannot find information on how to disable root web login to the proxmox web GUI console. Thank you...
  8. T

    Can't log root on Debian VM

    Hi all, on a Debian 8.4, when i try to make a "su -" to connect as root, "acces denied" What should I do to be able to log in as root ? i can't connect as root in ssh session, just user PermitRootLogin yes ! Thanks for your help
  9. Y

    Security Problem server Violated

    Hello, i have several server violated, root escaletion. Some details: ---------------------------------------------------------------- root@prx:/home/enrico# lsof -p 361304 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME 503 361304 root cwd DIR 0,25 4096...