"Missing device in multi-device" boot error zfs raidz-1


Feb 19, 2018

I have a Proliant DL380 G7 with dual CPU (x5690) and HP P410i smart raid controller.

The controller does not support HBA / JBOD so I initialized the disks all as a single volume. I have the following drives available:

- 1 SSD 120 GB for ZFS caching
- 3 78 GB 15K SAS drives planned for the root system in raidz-1
- 4 300 GB 15K SAS drives planned for ZFS storage raidz-2

I installed the system and used the 78GB disks in raidz-1 during install.
After the first reboot I get the message, from GRUB I guess, that it is missing devices in multi-device environment. and the server is going into GRUB recovery.

From there I do not see the disks, there are just a 2 hd and 2 fd's shown. So Grub does not find the disks from the root zfs storage in raidz-1.

I do not want to use the hardware raid together with zfs due to performance and loss of zfs futures.

How do I fix this problem?

Thanks for any advice!

Because you use hardware that is not supported.

Do not use Raid.
Really, that is your solution?

And by the way, same configuration on 2 dl360 g7 is working!

Problem is more about telling grub where to find the disks.

Dont use raid..... sure why than using zfs at all?

Is there somebody else wirh a better advise?
I need to be clear first of your configuration.

The disks are mounted on the HP raid but left as standalone config, so they separate drives to the operating system?
I need to be clear first of your configuration.

The disks are mounted on the HP raid but left as standalone config, so they separate drives to the operating system?

Hello, Chrcoluk,

the disks are configured in the array configuration tool as raid0 with just one single disk. So each disk is shown as a logical disk. Like this I have it running on a dl360 g7 and is working.

So during install, I used 3 disks for a raidz-1 without compression enabled.
I would boot the installer again and select the debug installer.
press ctrl-d to let it boot
on the license screen click abort and you will be in the terminal.
In there check the partitions, should be 3 on each disk, boot partition, zfs partition and a last partition.
You can also check in this terminal if you can import the zpool with 'zpool -R /mnt rpool' and then if its worked to export it 'zpool export rpool'
After you have done this come back here to report if it all looks good, if it does not try installing again.

In regards to the HP raid possibly breaking things I dont know, ideally you would pass the disks on as standalone, but I am guessing the HP controller cannot do this and the next best thing is what you done pass it on as raid0 devices with a single disk in, it is possible that is confusing grub, but to me it doesnt make sense that would be the case. Some people over play the zfs only works with native disks thing, its the optimal configuration but unoptimal configurations in my experience dont make zfs non functional, they just reduce performance and make data integrity more risky.