passthrough disk

  1. T

    Best practice for independent storages

    Hey, what's the best practice to ensure that storages or disks are somewhat independent from proxmox? To make it a little clearer: I have two 8TB drives and one 3TB partition on each for a RAID for nextcloud. I'd like to pass it through to nextcloud as directly as possible because I don't want...
  2. C

    [Quick Question] External disks in VM backup

    Hi I just installed PBS and I really love it, however currently due to my raid config on my ZFS datastore I only have roughly 4TB space for backups (Just using about 200GB) No I have one VM that servers as my NAS where I passed through a full disk (4TB SSD (Roughly 400GB used)), now I'd like to...
  3. C

    Resolved - Ideal HBA LSA Raid card

    hello, first allow me to explain my setup up and then I will come to my question. at the moment I am using a B450 Motherboard with a SATA expansion board, which I have 6 hard drives hanging off from for my RAID hard drivers and then I have a Enterprise SSD for my proxmox OS ( version 8.22) I...
  4. A

    Problems with passthrough hard drives

    I'm running Proxmox 8.1.4 and have an Ubuntu server 22.04.4 LTS VM that was a hardware server and I virtualized it. I successfully configured 3 hard drives from the Proxmox host to the Ubuntu VM. Those three drives were setup as a RAID 5 with mdadm before I virtualized it. I successfully...
  5. F

    TrueNas VM set up - All SSD's passthrough.. Trim not working?

    Hi, I passed through the SSD's using the official tutorial. Here is the VM configs: I am getting the following error when try to enable Trim: Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/middlewared/", line 355, in run await self.future...
  6. M

    [SOLVED] Help with H710 IT mode not showing up on Proxmox RAW device

    Hi Evryone. I got a Dell R720 with a H710 HBA on IT Mode. I installed Proxmox on an SSD that's connected to the SATA port used by the DVD drive (basically moved the DVD drive out and replaced it with a SATA Caddy) The plan is to run TrueNAS Scale and have access to all the drives on the H710...
  7. I

    Restore VM mit Passthrough Disk auf neues System

    Hallo Forum, Ich würde gerne meinen PVE Server neu aufsetzen, da die Systemplatte zu klein ist und ich diese als RAID1 ZFS erneuern möchte. Ich habe 2 LXCs und 2 VMs mit jeweils einer Passthrough Disk Auf einem Terramaster ist PBS mit 2 Platten installiert. Backups der LXCs und VMs sind...
  8. I

    Mistake clustering

    I am re-configuring my homelab from VMWare to Proxmox, and currently have one node (Node A) that has 10 disks passed through to a Truenas Scale vm for a ZFS pool, along with 5 vms migrated from another node (Node B), that has a fresh install of Proxmox 8. Given I am relatively new to Proxmox, I...
  9. K

    [SOLVED] Move pass through disks to pass through sata controller

    Hello, I've got a Proxmox 8.0 setup with 4 disks passed through to a TrueNas Scale VM. This works perfectly, no issues. I have purchased more disks and a SATA controller. I moved all the physical disk connections (including the new disks) to this new controller and the pass throughs are still...
  10. L

    VM halted after the passthrough disk is disconnected

    Dear All; I have a VM that I used as a NAS and it works like a charm except that when I remove the disk (in passthrough mode), Proxmox halt the VM. I understand the logic, but in my case, the VM should not be stopped but should continue to run since the harddisks are setup in RAID2 mode. How...
  11. T

    Proxmox Hosting TrueNAS VM - Storage Questions

    At the beginning of the year I converted my server from running directly on TrueNAS to Proxmox with a TrueNAS vm. At that time I was able to get all the physical disks passed through to the VM and reconfigure the RAID within the TrueNAS VM, this information will become relevant in what follows...
  12. T

    Festplatten und VMs

    Guten Tag, ich habe mir eine 18 TB HDD gekauft und möchte diese auf eine VM weitergeben, was wäre dafür der beste Weg. Einen ZFS erstellen und das als Hard Disk auf die VM mounten? Mein Problem ist, das ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob das Effizient ist oder ob ich dabei Speicherplatz verliere...
  13. M

    If data is on single disk passthrough instead of PCI passthrough of the whole HBA to my Unraid VM, what is the cleanest way to migrate data after?

    TLDR: I am just starting out! My HBA is a few weeks out and at the moment i have single disk passthrough (3 disks in total) to my Unraid VM with no data. I anticipate there will be some data by the time HBA comes in as i continue to iterate on my new system. What would be the cleanest way to...
  14. M

    [SOLVED] With passthrough of virtual disk to proxmox VM(unraid), what is my strategy for replacing broken drives and testing performance?

    TLDR: I am just starting out! So I followed this and attached to a Unraid VM and am able to get an array started within Unraid itself and have tested connectivity through samba share. 1. Within...
  15. V

    Suggestions: Proxmox Cluster Passthrough All Hard Disks to Media VM

    I have a 3 node cluster of servers (OCT) that each have 4 bays. I want to maximize my ability to leverage these 12 hard drives as a repository likely backups across this environment. Each server has these hard drives managed by a S3008 HBA. I attempted to try ceph but I could not manage to get...
  16. C

    Vm running slow with sata drive passthrough

    Hello, How to troubleshoot a slow vm? I configured this vm to have direct access to a seagate sata drive with passthrough. The drive is setup with a NTFS partition so if I need to take it out and connect it to a windows machine. It is running current version of ubuntu server. The vm has 1...
  17. D

    Passthrough of 3.5 usb hdd is not recognize in vm

    hello, i add a 3.5 hdd to the usb3 port and passthough it to a vm (3-2), but woudnt be shown in the vm. proxmox vm vm when remove virtual usb hardware other hardware like usb stick or 2.5hdd works. I tested two 3.5 adapters, both are only shown and accessable inside proxmox but not in the...
  18. K

    [SOLVED] HDD passthrough wont work with raid controller

    Hi, i have a problem, i want to connect a raid controller to a VM, i got the serialnumber for the controller, i type the command line to the main proxmox commandline. It connects, but there is not one large partition (I use Raid 0 on 20 hdd's), but 3-4 smaller ones.
  19. B

    VM with physical disk attached. Much slower than physical machine...

    Hi, For a migration, I have created a VM as described in Than I have attached a physical SSD-disk and configured passtrough, according to qm set 114 -scsi2...
  20. N

    Physical Hard drive Pass through with physical attributes and without emulation

    Hello, first of all, apologies if that question makes no sense to anyone. I am VMing Open media vault (OMV) inside PVE, I have a couple of NTFS drives that I want to backup in a larger drive with EXT4, fortunately, OMV supports both file formats. Recently, I have been using VirtIO to...