
  1. D

    DNS issue?

    I know this is a worn out topic but I have tried setting DNS to several different public DNS and even added the gateway of vmbr0 as the last DNS. resolve.conf is updating as I change DNS settings. I can ping my local network but nothing outside. I have Sophos as a VM and it has internet...
  2. S

    Internet Connection works on proxmox but not in the VMs

    Hi there and thy for your help! I have installed proxmox with one ubuntu vm inside. If I ping something from the proxmox terminal, I can reach it. But I don't have any connection from my VM. I configured everything the standard way. Is something wrong with my bridge? What do you need to know?
  3. N

    Proxmox CT don't get DHCP via LACP

    Hi, We have a Proxmox lab with 3 servers in a cluster, that have 4 ethernet port on each server configured in LACP we passthrough our vlans true this LACP to VMs and LXC container but VM get dhcp lease of firewall but not our CT/LXC container see below more details :)
  4. A

    Can't access to internet in my LXC container

    Hello everyone, I have installed a proxmox in version 7.4-3 and i have configure it. I have create LXC container and I have not outgoing on internet. I have follow the configuration on official website for "routed configuration" but this not working in my LXC container. This is my network...
  5. P

    Node has lost network connectivity after adding VLAN interface

    I was messing with one of the nodes on my proxmox cluster and experimenting with putting the management interface/GUI on it's own VLAN, and in the process managed to completely kill the network connectivity on the node even after undoing all my changes. I'll try to explain in a series of steps...
  6. G

    Proxmox in NAT but no internet on VM

    Hi I'll make it very simple, I've been stuck on Proxmox for a very long time, I'm desperate. Currently, I have a network configuration with a physical card in DHCP and a vmbr0 virtual card which is in NAT on enp2s0 I then set up a DHCP server on the Proxmox so that an ip was automatically...
  7. I

    [SOLVED] Proxmox host unable to access Internet only LXCs

    Hi, I am suddenly unable to access the internet from my proxmox host, I noticed this while trying to use some Proxmox Helper Scripts. When i try to ping google from the host shell I get temporary failure in name resolution, however it works in any of the lxcs shells. I did today change the IP...
  8. A

    Proxmox and LXC with separate public ip addresses

    I'm trying to setup Proxmox, with a container (LXC) using 2 public ip's on a cloud-based server. One ip for Proxmox and one ip for the container. Proxmox is working fine but I can't get the container to access the internet. I have tried many things but this is my current setup: source...
  9. L

    Proxmox interface not found

    Hello, I created my Proxmox VE server but the interface is inaccessible/not found in my network, I tried to check with the command: systemctl status pveproxy Server response: Active: active (running) My livebox 5 can't even find the server in the network. Connected to the server a D-LINK...
  10. N

    Very slow download speed on host (NUC12PRO)

    I received my NUC12PRO 2 months ago. Since then everything went well, I had a very good network connection (1500 Mbs donwload connected to ethernet). One day I wake up and notice my download speed was very slow. This has been the case for 1 week now.... Current Speedtest : Download : 50-100...
  11. M

    DNS not Resolving Correctly

    Hey All! Hope you're well. Hopefully you can help, as I'm stumped here. I have a pve running in my homelab with one node. I have a Synology router that has their DNS server package that I host at the gateway so everything that queries DNS goes there and then forwarded on if needed. Very easy...
  12. P

    ETH ports on SBC PCI card

    Hello, gurus!!! Please help me to understand if my required configuration is feasible. Current config: PCI shelf with one installed G25A - EMBEDDED SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER. According to G25A docs - there are 3 ETH ports on the front, indeed the LAN cable is connected to the upper ports and it's...
  13. T

    Proxmox interne Server ausschließlich via VPN nutzen

    Hallo Zusammen, habe mich in den letzten Tagen etwas mit Netzwerken beschäftigt. Allerdings scheine ich auf dem Schlauch zu stehen. Folgendes habe ich vor und scheitere noch bei der Umsetzung. Fritzbox (Wireguard eingerichtet) Proxmox: VMs wie z.b. Nextcloud usw. sollen ausschließlich via...
  14. T

    Proxmox Gui not accessible, even with 8006 allowed

    Hello, I tried to avoid another Post in this Forum where the Solution is probably stupid easy, but I was not able to figure the following problem out, for days. Server Setup: Proxmox runs on a dedicated server of Hetzner I have one static IPv4 + an extra IPv4/29 Subnet I access the proxmox host...
  15. S

    MTU related info spammed in log.

    In my SysLogs, I'm seeing the following over and over, anywhere form every few minutes to every hour or so. Apr 22 13:54:55 server9 corosync[3275313]: [KNET ] host: host: 1 (passive) best link: 0 (pri: 1) Apr 22 13:54:55 server9 corosync[3275313]: [KNET ] host: host: 1 has no active links...
  16. R

    [SOLVED] No network access after fresh install

    No one of solved posts related with this question has helped me. I have installed Proxmox with correct network ip, gateway for my network but no network access after install. ip a 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback...
  17. A

    Network configuration between cluster servers

    Good afternoon I explain my case, I have two servers joined in a cluster, these servers have four network cards, two of them 1gb and another two 10gb. I have the 1gb cards linked by a link so that client computers can access them. The 10gb cards I have each with a different rank to create two...
  18. D

    Dedicated Server with Proxmox wanting to configure and use 3 IP's.

    Hello everyone. I have a proxmox server (suprise, suprise) and I have purchased 3 extra IP's from my host. I am trying to figure out how exactly would I add the 3 IP's to my virtual machines like windows, ubuntu, debian The image above is my current setup. All my vms are using vmbr0 at the...
  19. T

    martian source from itself

    Hello experts! I'm seeing a lot of martian sources in my pve syslog log which has me rather confused as it seems to be from a host to the same host: IPv4: martian source from, on dev eth1 ll header: 00000000: 4e a8 57 59 29 13 e4 11 5b 9b 99 81 08 00 IPv4: martian...


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