
  1. M

    Whonix: How to set mountpoint to VM's disk

    Dear all, I am running PROXMOX 8.2.2 for a while with several VM and ist works very fine. It was possible for me to set up Whonix gateway and workstation and get it running. Now I discovered the following problem: -I have several VMs and a zpool with several volumes used as mass storage...
  2. L

    mount smb share with specific uid and gid

    Hi everyone, i created unprivileged container and I want to mount two folders to it I did it with mount points. the problem is that I need that the folder will have permission of 1000:1000 and I cant seems to get it right. after some searches and using this link...
  3. B

    USB Mount in LXC Container Readonly !

    Hello, on the host i was mount my USB stick , USB Drive.... and on Host i can reasd and Write. So i added the line mp0:/media/USB0001,mp=/media/USB0001/ into my LXC and reboot the container After i logget into the Container and i try to read and Write.... so o can read only the Moutpoint
  4. J

    Permissions for ZFS datasets inside mountpoint for LXC is forgotten on LXC restart

    Aluminum is our host and runs Virtual Environment 7.2-11. It is ZFS-on-root but the storage is on a separate pool, so we have aluminum-os and aluminum-storage as our pools. documents is a LXC running Debian 11 and a pretty bare configuration with just Samba. It has a mountpoint on /srv that is...
  5. G

    Mountpunkt Pfad zum Einbinden in Zoneminder

    Hallo liebes Forum, ich habe schon sehr viel gelernt über Proxmox etc und habe mich durch Google geforstet und bin immer fündig geworden. Nur jetzt habe ich ein kleines Brett vor dem Kopf. Ich habe in einem LXC Debian Container Zoneminder laufen. Nun möchte ich ein Laufwerk, welches bereits in...
  6. S

    Mount Point excluded from backup although backup=1-Flag is set

    Hey all, i've got a problem with doing a backup of a LXC-Container with mounted Storage. Despite the backup-option is checked, the mount point is excluded when i want to run a backup from Proxmox VE-Web-Interface: INFO: excluding bind mount point mp0 ('/mnt/mirror4tb') from backup (not a...
  7. I

    Unable to clone mountpoint during container clone

    i know this is an old question? but i could not find a workaround other then removing binds, then cloning, and then adding them back anyone know a better solution ?
  8. C

    Bind mount not including files in nested ZFS datasets

    I have a zpool with nested datasets: root@pve1:~# zfs list NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT vault 1.50T 2.01T 1.50T /vault vault/files 52.8M 2.01T 96K /vault/files vault/files/apt-cache 52.6M 2.01T 52.6M...
  9. X

    Mount point still exists after deleting in FE

    Hi there I tried to add a NFS storage over the frontend without success. I deleted it in the frontend but it still exist in /mnt/pve/xxxxxxxxxx. How do I remove it proper from there? Best regards
  10. grin

    lxc directory mountpoint migration don't work

    mp0: /mnt/remote_nfs_share,mp=/mnt/extstorage,size=1T Oct 06 15:32:07 ERROR: migration aborted (duration 00:00:00): can't determine assigned storage for mountpoint 'mp0' it is caused by the storage subsystem since it wants to be sure that the storage is managed by proxmox. However there seem...