
  1. C

    Ubuntu Graphic Driver Problems with IGD Passthtough

    Hi all i am working on passthrough my IGD to a vm,and it's well down with the win10 VM guest except freezing sometime. when i change the VM guest to Ubuntu 21.10 ,i can only boot with nomodeset ,so i cannt use the GPU's full power. my ultral target is to run NAS + BlissOS on the PVE system. i...
  2. S

    QEMU 5 and Legacy IGD passthrough

    6.2 may have broken VMs that use legacy IGD passthrough. This is somewhat related to https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/igd-passthrough-setup-broke-with-proxmox-6-2.69670, except legacy IGD PT also relied on a quirk in qemu. This quirk used to be generally available, but since QEMU 5 has become...
  3. S

    IGD passthrough and hard coded PCI bridges

    I have successfully managed to pass through my P4600 IGD to a VM. However I could only get it working up to a machine of pc-i440fx-2.2. The error given with pc-i440fx > 2.2 was that the address 1f.0 was in use by another device and the vfio legacy IGD passthrough requires this address to be...
  4. C

    [SOLVED] Intel integrated GPU passthrough not working after upgrade

    SOLVED: Ignore this, it was a defective EDID that triggered a chain reaction of problems trying to fix that... :mad: Proxmox 6 works great and IGD passthrough works fine as before! Hello, I pass the host's integrated gpu (Intel G4400 cpu, skylake) to some vms, linux and win ones. They were...
  5. L

    Intel IGD where Aspeed AST2400 via motherboard is only video out?

    I have an odd question regarding a Supermicro X11SSL-F I was recently gifted and whether it makes sense to pair it with a CPU having an integrated GPU. I don't believe the motherboard supports video out from the integrated GPU, but I would still like to access the GPU hardware and pass it to a...
  6. 0

    NUC6 IGD Passthrough kein Bild

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin ziemlich neu was Proxmox und VM´s angeht. Habe mir zu Bastelzwecken einen NUC6CAYH gekauft und möchte dort mehrer VM´x laufen lassen. Habe mir bereits eine VM mit Debian 9 angelegt und es funktioiert soweit alles. Jetzt habe ich mir eine zweite VM mit WIN10 eingerichtet...
  7. I

    Proxmox 5.2 Gemini Lake and IGD (graphics) passthrough for Ubuntu 18

    Hello, I’m trying to setup a fresh install of Proxmox 5.2 on Gemini Lake and I would like to configure a VM with IGD (graphics) passthrough for Ubuntu 18 Computer based on ASRock J4105-ITX asrock.com/mb/Intel/J4105-ITX/ A standard install is working properly and now I would like to use HDMI...
  8. M

    Intel IGD GPU Passthru Possible ?

    Hello, i run a Dedicated Server with a Intel i7 4770 CPU. That machine is running Proxmox 4.4 with 4 Windows Server 2012 VMs. Is it possible to share the IGD from the CPU on all 4 VMs at the same time ? If so maybe someone can point me in the right direction. Thank you very much
  9. L

    Kaby Lake IGD passthrough on Proxmox 5.1 with Win10 VM

    Others wiser than me may have already solved this problem, but I'm stumped and need help. I'm on a steep learning curve with linux and Proxmox, so please bear with me. I followed the below links trying to set up a Windows 10 VM with Kaby Lake IGD passthrough to drive one or more of my...
  10. Y

    Proxmox 5.0 Kaby Lake and IGD (graphics) passthrough for Windows 10

    Hello, I’m trying to setup a fresh install of Proxmox 5.0 on Kaby Lake and I would like to configure a VM with IGD (graphics) passthrough for Windows 10 and several CT for Linux. Computer is Zotac Xbox CI549 based on i5-7300U zotac.com/us/product/mini_pcs/ci549-nano. It should be more or less...