
  1. M

    Pentest using proxmox

    Hello, I have a question on proxmox setup for pentest, i have a setup created in vistualbox, but since i put together a betters server system for testing with proxmox wanted to know if I can do more complex testing for cybersecurity on it, wanted to get more ideas of this project, thanks
  2. M

    What hardware do you suggest for homelab performance?

    Hello all, for some time now I have been on a journey looking for a way of virtualising the workloads I toy around with at home. Ultimately I decided to shift from the free version of VMWare to proxmox because of the lack of features in VMWare for an unlicenced system and ended up on Proxmox...
  3. C

    [SOLVED] Empfehlung SAS oder SSD mit HBA

    Hallo Bezüglich meinem aktuellen Projekt sieht es nun so aus, dass ich noch über einen Raid Controller von LSI verfüge 9240-4i. Diesen würde ich mal versuchen in IT mode zu flashen und dann 4 HDD's anschliessen. Auf die 4 Platten kommen dann auch die VM's drauf. Parallel dazu hängen dann noch...
  4. U

    Newbie, Shared storage, HA, and glusterfs.

    Hi guys! I'm new to proxmox and the whole virtualization world and i need a bit of help and clarification on some stuff. I've currently installed proxmox on one of my nodes, installed glusterfs, mounted it, and got one VM up and running, total took me about 18 hours xD Anyways, i've added my...
  5. S

    Home Lab Project

    Hello Everyone.. I'm going to start a really big thread ! I hope some cool guys will help me to achieve my home lab adventure ! ;) I recently get a dell powerdge T110 II server : Xeon E3-1220 16 Gb RAM 256 SSD 2To HDD Intel Gb NICs x2 (one integrated and one as PCI card) But as picture is...