gpu passtrough

  1. I

    No more output to console mid-boot if iGPU is passed through

    I have an Ubuntu Server VM installed and configured. I have also set up that the iGPU on the host is passed through with iGVT-G. However, with this PCI passthrough, the output to console in PVE web UI is stopped when the iGPU is detected by the guest OS (after GRUB, but boots successfully, able...
  2. A

    Proxmox for VR development

    I currently need two different workstations for VR development with different software versions that cannot coexist without creating issues ( thanks Microsoft ). Unfortunately, I just have one workstation and I thought of using proxmox and 2 VM to solve my issues. The 2 VM will never be used at...
  3. S

    System freeze mit NVIDIA GPU

    Hallo an alle, ich hoffe, mir kann geholfen werden. Ich kann erst heute Abend Logfiles etc. posten, da ich noch auf Arbeit bin. Kurz zu meinem Problem. Ich habe auf meinem Gaming-PC das aktuellste Proxmox installiert und auch "Erfahrung" damit. Die IOMMU Gruppen sind sauber getrennt, auch ohne...
  4. Y

    Proxmox VE install (6.2) fails (on AMD platform) with two GPUs (1xAMD as primary and 1xNvidia)

    The Proxmox VE 6.2 setup process stops after DHCP config and don't enter the SETUP GUI if the primary GPU is AMD and a second Nvidia GPU is present. The setup hangs after the DCHP "done" message - after several minutes the message "\nInstallation aborted - unable to continue...." appears and the...