firewall help

  1. W

    Configure network WAN & LAN for the FW

    Hello everyone, so I am trying to implement a Sophos FW as a VM in proxmox. I have watched this video ( ), everything has worked till the network config, I don't know how to configure my WAN and LAN interface. This is my home network: And this is my...
  2. B

    Plex LXC not maintaining (getting?) external connectivity

    Hi folks. Apologies in advance - I am very much a Windows person from a professional perspective, but am "tinkering" with ProxMox and VMs, etc. at home for a personal home setup - mostly as I wanted to set up a dedicated Satisfactory server (which is working perfectly fine - including the port...
  3. L

    Only allowing whitelisted IPs with the Proxmox VE firewall

    Hello, I've been trying to isolate a Windows 11 VM from the internet and my LAN with the Proxmox firewall on the VM level. However I've been stuck trying to figure out why it is allowing inbound traffic from the whitelisted IPs but not outbound traffic to the whitelisted IPs. I can ping the VM...
  4. A

    Confusing DNS & Remote Desktop Interactions

    With the Datacenter level firewall ON and the VM level firewall OFF: I can remote into my VM from a physical computer by its IP address: I can remote into my VM from a physical computer by its name: VMWindows11 With the Datacenter level firewall ON and the VM level firewall ON...
  5. C

    [SOLVED] Firewall not blocking on vm level

    Hi I just wanted to set up firewalls like showcased in many of the youtube videos. Added the following datacenter rules: Enabled firewall on datacenter, node and vm. When experimenting on datacenter level traffic to the nodes can be controlled and for example ssh is currently off, this can...
  6. C

    Proxmox Cluster Firewall Minecraft

    I've set up a cluster of 3 machines, and have added 5 LXC's for a Minecraft server that I plan to initially expose limited number of users online, those in school Minecraft club. Proxmox has the Firewall at the datacenter level, server level and VM, LXC level. For Minecraft the servers are set...
  7. M

    git clone Verbindungsfehler

    Hey, ich hab ein Problem beim klonen von verschiedenen Sachen (von Github) den Fehler sieht man ja im ersten Bild. Ich hab gedacht das liegt an der Firewall und jetzt hab ich meine Firewall angepasst aber es funktioniert leider immer noch nicht, ich bitte dringend um Hilfe. Die Firewall...
  8. S

    Networking, battlefield for new newbie

    Hello there! I was wondering if someone could possibly assist me with a little something. You see, I'm quite new to promox ve and I have this goal of hosting my very own web server and setting it up as a DMZ. Additionally, I have a few other VM's that I need to run on the machine and I would...
  9. P

    How do I use NAT with the Proxmox Firewall?

    Hi, I want to use the Proxmox VE firewall to prevent my VMs on the NAT network (vmbr1) from accessing my local network. My first thought was to use the firewall, but after enabling it, my NAT setup collapsed. I'm pretty sure I did something wrong, but I just can't see it.... I'm not a networking...
  10. M

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Ubuntu VM AFP-Protocol gets blocked

    Hello, I am trying to access the Ubuntu VM from my Mac using the AFP protocol. If I switch off the VM's firewall, this also works. However, it does not work when I switch it on - although I have enabled the corresponding port 548 ( I currently have the...
  11. P

    Having trouble port forwarding for Minecraft Server

    For the past 3 days, I have been trying to get a Minecraft server working for me and my friends to play over winter break, but no matter what I've tried with either Minecraft or proxmox, I haven't been able to get it to a point where other people can join. The servers have all seemed like they...
  12. M

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Doesn't see The internet

    So i have been using Proxmox for a while and i did not need any of the features that access the internet (It couldn't access the internet since fresh installing it). But now I need a package from apt and it can resolve hostnames after setting the DNS server to my routers IP address, but when i...
  13. L

    Oracle RAC cluster network failure after opening PVE firewall

    Hello everyone, I have a 6-node PVe7 cluster and have deployed 3-node Oracle Rac services on three of them. When the PVE firewall function is not enabled, the network between nodes in the Oracle Rac cluster operates normally. After a few minutes of activation, the network of each node in the...
  14. B

    OPNsense/PFsense firewall rule to allow LAN access to VLAN

    Hi there, I’m using OPNsense as a firewall and VLAN. But I’d like to access (SSH mainly) the VMs at the VLAN from my LAN, but every firewall rule I make on the VLAN seems to block the LAN. Ping or SSH from LAN results in a time-out. What am i doing wrong? Firewall rules VLAN below: Pic1: I’ve...
  15. R

    Firewall not working as Expected

    I have enabled Firewall on Datacenter, Node and VM level but it doesnt work fully. I disabled outgoing port 25 on my IP as shown in screenshot below but on port checker online it shows port 25 as open. I cant telnet into it still it shows open. I have enabled incoming macro mail in order for my...
  16. R

    Spam Received even after outgoing port 25 blocked

    Hello my clients are hosting mail servers and I want to block all outgoing emails for all my VM so i made firewall settings, at datacenter level, node level and security group and enabled it for all VMs For Datacenter its as follows For Node Level it is as follows For VM Level it is as...
  17. R

    Connection Error to port 8006

    I am trying to setup proxmox official supported module for whmcs and while testing connection to my proxmox server, it gives me this error "failed to connect to 107.150.**.*** port 8006 after 1000 ms: connection refused" Ill be really grateful if someone here can help me regarding this error...
  18. B

    VM firewall Rules functioning intermittently

    Hi there, hope you are all doing well! I'm having a bit of an issue with getting proxmox's firewall to play nicely with a VM I have. My use case at this very minute is quite simple, I just want to host a single arch VM while I lean more about the OS as I switch from vmware, this VM has a...
  19. M

    [TUTORIAL] How to not: Proxmox + Rocky Linux with 2 static ips

    Hi, I just brought an dedicated server to manage my site and gameserver. I installed proxmox and configured the VM. The problem is now that i need to use thoose two ips to configure a domain. I managed to make it work on the secondary ip but the ip wich is hosting proxmox doesnt work. I tried...
  20. J

    Firewall ports to allow when Proxmox and PBS on different networks?

    I have the following network setup: VLAN 10 VLAN 20 pbs.guest.local Each VLAN is protected by a firewall. Per...