
  1. D

    VM Failover Method During an Unexpected Node Failure

    Hi, I would like to know if there are any possible methods of automatic failover VMs to another node in a cluster in a case of a unexpected network/power failure. My configurations are as follows: - - Both nodes are mounted with the same NFS pool - VMs are using the same NFS pool I am aware...
  2. T

    Proxmox 5 + OPNsense + Failover IP for each VM at OVH

    Hello, I have a bare metal server at OVH with several FO IPs. I'm trying to change my current configuration of Proxmox to the following: - PVE admin : - OPNsense : - VM1 : - VM2 : I also want to have a private LAN for the VMs and set up a VPN for administration...
  3. F

    [SOLVED] Is it possible to make failover with 2 nodes and zfs

    So i have 2 servers, with proxmox 5.4 installed, with zfs disks, and configured in a cluster. They are identical. One very important thing is that i have no shared storage. So the vms run locally (as is, they have local disks.... so no live migration). So i have some vms on node1. From what i...
  4. H

    Ist Proxmox eine Lösung für uns?

    Hallo, aktuell haben wir 8 alte Server, die wir virtualisieren wollen. Die Idee ist, dass wir zwei Knoten haben. Auf dem einen laufen alle VMs und auf dem anderen werden die VMs repliziert. Im Falle eines Ausfalls soll die zweite Maschine die VMs starten. Hyper-V fällt für uns weg. Der Grund...
  5. P

    HA failover not restarting guest

    I have a cluster of 3 hosts and about 6 guests in an HA cluster. when I try to simulate a failure of one of the hosts by unplugging the ethernet nothing happens. I was expecting the guests to restart on the other nodes. after a few minutes of nothing I plug the ethernet back in and THEN the...
  6. P

    [SOLVED] Unable to obtain IP Route with Proxmox on OVH

    Hello! So to make some things clear firstly, `` is my Failover IP and associated subnet (``) that I'm trying to use with Proxmox on the OVH network, for which I have also already created Virtual MAC addresses for, with each being unique. This here is my...
  7. T

    VE5.1 Failover IP an CT zuweisen

    Hallo Gemeinde Versuche seit geraumer Zeit, eine Failover IP einer CT zuzuweisen. Leider bis jetzt ohne Erfolg. Da Proxmox nicht auf oneprovider angeboten wird, hab ich erst ein Debian Stretch installiert und dann Proxmox nachträglich. Nennen wir die Haupt IP mal (Gateway...
  8. H

    Looking for advice: Three node HA cluster without shared storage? (Ceph?)

    Hi all. Some backround on the environment first: Four single CPU equipped DELL PowerEdge R620's. Currently running two single ESXi nodes each with local storage and no HA or replication, one physical file server / Domain Controller and a physical backup server with tape drive. Almost pure...
  9. S

    Proxmox 4.2 Failover

    Hallo, ich bin neu bei Proxmox und "spiele" damit gerade etwas rum. Ich habe mir ein HA Proxmox bestehend aus zwei identischen Nodes aufgebaut. Die VMs liegen auf einem shared Storage, der mittels (replicated) GlusterFS zur Verfügung gestellt wird und ebenfalls über zwei Nodes verteilt wird...
  10. I

    [Error] OpenVZ failed to Failover on Proxmox-3.4

    [Help] OpenVZ can't Failover On Proxmox ver-3.4 <-- failed but for KVM 100% success with drbd storage. and OpenVZ & KVM 100% success Live Migration.