
  1. Y

    non-existent mailboxes

    Good afternoon. The problem is the following: when proxmox receives a mail for which there is no addressee, or if the address is incorrect, then in Tracking center the mail is displayed in logs 200 times in a row until it stops at accepted/bounced with the error "552 5.3.4 Header size exceeds...
  2. M

    Need little help for vzdump-hook-script with windows agent

    Hello together, can someone provide me an quickfix how to use qm guest exec to an windows vm? here is my code snippet: # run diskshadow for simulating vss aware backup and truncate logs if ($phase eq 'backup-end') { if ($hostname eq 'server1') { system("/usr/sbin/qm...
  3. T

    Out of office replies orginating from own Exchange to external, using DKIM, get blocked by destination

    Hello, Also referring to this post, which seems to concern the same problem: When Exchange (on-premise) sends an out of office (OOF) reply the envelope from (or return path)...
  4. A

    Quarantine emails disappear upon release

    I configured the Mail Gateway to sanitize incoming messages for my Exchange 2019, basically I'm using the default configurations, I just adjusted the filter settings below: Mailproxy Default Relay: IP Exchange 2019 Relay Domain: DNSBL Sites...
  5. herzkerl

    Exchange log files

    Is there any way to run a post backup command/script within a Windows Server running Exchange to truncate the log files after a successful backup?
  6. Z

    How to bounce unknown recipient / alias

    Hi - I'm trying out PMG with on-premises Exchange prior to a potential production deployment. Please excuse newbie questions... Is it possible to bounce incoming mail for unknown Exchange/AD recipients and recipient aliases BEFORE any spam processing (with an 'unknown recipient' message)? And...
  7. A

    PBS Backup Snapshot und Windows Exchange 2019

    Moin, heute wurde uns gesagt, dass die Snapshot Backups den Exchange (genauer die Datenbank) zerstören würden. Nun, als Exchange "nicht so Profi" kann ich das erstmal nur annehmen und euch fragen, wie ihr euer Exchange onprem aus dem PVE raus sichert. Gruß, Patrick Anhang: Der Agent ist in...
  8. L

    MS Exchange 2013 VSS writer error while backup. No log files were truncated

    Hi I'm trying to migrate from Windows Backup Server to PBS as an alternative on the Windows Server client, but facing with error from MS Exchange. Guest os: Windows Server 2012R2 App: MS Exchange 2013 CU23 standalone Backup service: on PVE to PBS with installed and launched qemu-ga on client...
  9. C

    Tracking Center not showing every mail

    Hello Friends, our company is new to Proxmox and it's Gateway, but we a fairly impressed by what the software is able to do. We have the PMG active since yesterday evening and first tests look good, but for some reason i couldn't see some emails that has been sent from mobile devices via...
  10. A


    Hallo Forum, ich würde gerne das Mail Gateway testen, um vom Provider ein paar Mailboxen per POP3 abzuholen und an den internen Exchangeserver weiterzuleiten. Bisher ist es mir gelungen, das POP3-Konto anzulegen, so dass Proxmox die E-Mails dort abholt. Leider wird nicht an den Exchange...
  11. E

    Windows Server 2016 freezing

    I have a Windows Server Standard 2016 VM running Exchange server that is freezing every time it is booted up. I have checked disk space, and it is not an issue. When the freeze occurrs, I can not interact with the VM or ping it on the network. Here is the output of pveversion -v proxmox-ve...
  12. T

    MG reicht Mail an Exchange nicht weiter

    Hallo alle zusammen. Ich bin irgendwie ein wenig am verzweifeln. Ich habe bei mir einen Exchange 2016 laufen, vor dem ich nun ein Proxmox Mail Gateway schalten wollte. Seit ich den vor dem Exchange gehängt habe, geht nichts mehr. Hänge ich meinen Exchange direkt mit einem Port Forward ins...
  13. A

    Deployment Guide for version 5.1

    Hello; I couldn't find Deployment Guide for PMG v5.x, only for v4.0 and it is outdated. Specifically, I need detailed steps for deploying PMG in DMZ as a mail gateway for Exchange environment. Thanks
  14. M

    Automaticaly add domaisn from the Active Directory?

    Hey, Is there a way of automatically read the mail domains from the Active Directory / Exchange (accepted domains) and add them to the Relay Domains list?