
  1. F

    Kernel 6.2 & DRBD - inkompatibel

    Hallo ins Forum, ich teste aktuell recht intensiv das Zusammenspiel zwischen Proxmox und DRBD/LINSTOR. Dabei ist aufgefallen, dass sowohl Kernel 6.2.9 aus dem Enterprise-Repo als auch 6.2.11 aus dem Non-Enterprise-Repo nicht mit der aktuellen DRBD-Version (9.2.3) kompatibel sind. Mit Kernel...
  2. P

    problem with drdb9 and proxmox VE 6.0.6

    Hey all I have set up a small cluster on used hardware for a in-house labb environment. its setup with the linstor plugin. I have had some huge problems with vm's that i choose to dd straight to the first host. its seems that if i create a disk from start and do a manual debian install, the...
  3. G

    DRBD9 for Proxmox 5

    Hello, Two days ago, linbit made separate DRBD9 repository for Proxmox 5. I try to make DRBD9 cluster but doesnt work. Nodes can not add themselves in cluster. I follow all the instructions but cant do it. DRBD9 repository has drbd-dkms package which means that i have to download same version...
  4. Y

    HA with 4 nodes and 2 DRBD pools

    Hi, I work with several PVE Cluster set with 3-nodes + 1 DRBD9 pool. But is it possible (and correct) to set a cluster of 4 nodes : - PVE1 / PVE2 nodes with 1 DRBD pool - PVE3 / PVE4 nodes with another DRBD pool - two groups for HA (PVE1+PVE2 - PVE3+PVE4) Is there any problem in this HA four...
  5. D

    change storage.cfg

    Hello. Is anybody know how can I safely add third node from drbd-cluster to pve-cluster? If I change redundancy level and nodes list in storage.cfg for drbd-storage, will it break guest systems, that work on this storage? Do I need to turn off all before make changes? or I can do it on the fly?
  6. E

    DRBD9 Synchronisation funktioniert nach Ausfall nicht

    Hallo Community, ich habe ein paar Fragen bezüglich meiner DRBD9-Konfiguration. Ich benutze die aktuelle Proxmox und DRBD9 Version. Konfiguriert wurde nach der DRBD9 Anleitung von Proxmox. Es gibt 3 nodes, von denen aber nur 2 ein DRBD-Storage besitzen. Die andere node wurde für Quorum...
  7. E

    Bring back DRBD8 kernel module

    I have 38 DRBD volumes totaling around 50TB of useable storage across sixteen production nodes. We have held off upgrading to Proxmox 4.x in hopes DRBD9 and its storage plugin become stable and after a year I'm still waiting. I need to upgrade to 4.x but the non-production ready DRBD9 makes...
  8. J

    Setting up DRBD9 on existing volume group?

    Dear all, I have the following volume group and I am reading this guide (my cluster is on Proxmox 4.4 so I installed the tools mentions on Linbit website): --- Volume group --- VG Name pve System ID Format lvm2 Metadata Areas 1...
  9. T

    Neuer Cluster "meine Idee"

    Hallo zusammen :-) Wir haben derzeit 3 Server mit VMware im Einsatz, die Ressourcen werden solangsam knapp. Unser Plan ist nun 2 neue Server anzuschaffen und einen 5 Node-Proxmox-Cluster aufzusetzen. Nur mal ganz grob, dass man eine Vorstellung hat, die VMs welche darauf laufen sollen sind...
  10. J

    DRBD9 daemon not started at startup

    Hi! I am playing with Proxmox 4.3 and DRDB9. I followed this guide, because it explains how to setup DRDB (8.x) on top of a physical disk (I don't want to use it on top of LVM). I did install "drbd-utils", because Proxmox 4.3 comes with DRDB9. I was able to configure DRBD9 correctly and it is...
  11. Z

    DRBD on SSD pool?

    Hi, I have question about optimal DRBD9 SSD setup. Is HW RAID (with BBU) necessary for SSD pool and DRBD (LSI3108 on SuperMicro motherboard)? Will be performance far better than MDADM raid on normal mobo SATA controller? I can 2x 800GB in raid1 or maybe 4x400GB raid10, 1x 10GB Base-T direct...
  12. B

    PVE4.3-1 + DRBD9. Restore after failure

    Hi! Sorry for my English. First of all, I understand that DRBD is only tech preview, but it's so interesting We have task to build 3-nodes cluster with full-redundancy of data. Now I'm testing 2-nodes cluster and have some troubles. Can anybody print step-by-step manual what to do if: 1...
  13. J

    DRBD online verifiy all does not work

    Hi we have a fresh 3 Node DRBD9 Cluster setup with Proxmox 4.3 up and runnig like it is described in the Wiki article here https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/DRBD9. MyVersions: 4.3-66 (running kernel: 4.4.19-1-pve),drbdmanage: 0.97.3-1 We want to configure some periodical integrity checking as...
  14. J

    Proxmox 4.2 DRBD: Node does not reconnect after reboot/connection loss

    Hello all, I am new to DRBD but not new to ProxMox ;-) We have a 3 Node DRBD9 Cluster setup with Proxmox 4.2 like it is described in the Wiki article here https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/DRBD9. MyVersions: proxmox-ve: 4.2-64 (running kernel: 4.4.16-1-pve),drbdmanage: 0.97-1 The drbd9 storage is...
  15. B

    PVE-4.2 DRBD9 didn't create

    Hi. Some monthes age I installed PVE4.2 with DRBD9 without any problems using wiki. But today I have a problem. After drbdmanage init -q I recieved such lay out: root@pve4:~# drbdmanage init -q WARNING:root:Could not read configuration file '/etc/drbdmanaged.cfg' Empty drbdmanage...
  16. K

    Server Design für eine Proxmox VDI Umgebung

    Hallo, wir möchten eine alte Thin Client Infrastruktur in unseren Seminarräumen ersetzen. Es handelt sich hier um 150 Arbeitsplätze. Auf den Thin Clients müssen Windows und Linux Workstations zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Nach vielen Tests fiel die Wahl auf Proxmox um die virtuellen Desktops...
  17. S

    drbd + ocfs2 kernel panic

    Hello, everybody! In our installation we using proxmox 4 cluster (pvecm) and shared storage based on drbd 9 and ocsf2 on top of drbd device for primary-primary mode. Cluster consist of 2 nodes. When io load minimal, all works as we expected, i.e fine. But when users login in Windows RDS , that...
  18. R

    Design recommendations - proxmox 4.2

    Hi, After years of working with VMware and Hyper-V we have decided to use Proxmox for one of our smaller customers. Where the decision still is not final yet! Available hardware: 3x Dell R430 - Dual Hexa Core (12 cores) - 96GB RAM - Hardware RAID+battery - 1x 250GB SSD + 3x 1TB SSD - 4x 10G...
  19. J

    [SOLVED] Where is drbd drive mounted

    I have numerous qcow2 files that need converting and moved to drbd drive. Any ideas on where it is located? root@pve1:~# pveversion -v proxmox-ve: 4.2-48 (running kernel: 4.4.6-1-pve) pve-manager: 4.2-4 (running version: 4.2-4/2660193c) pve-kernel-4.4.6-1-pve: 4.4.6-48 lvm2: 2.02.116-pve2...
  20. R

    experience upgrade PVE4.1 to 4.2 on a DRBD9 cluster setup with LXC containers

    Hi, I've the following configuration: - 3 node cluster on PVE4.1 - High Availability with DRBD9 - LXC containers (on DRBD9) - All LXCs reside on a single node I want to upgrade the cluster nodes to PVE4.2, but I'm afraid differences between PVE 4.1 and 4.2 could defect the system (e.g. maybe...