
  1. A

    Proxmox's team stance on running Docker inside an LXC container ?

    I know the point of live migration is addressed in the official documentation (, but I couldn't find any other official comment on this matter. Some members of the community say that Docker and the LXC sharing the kernel amounts to looking for...
  2. P

    LXC vs. Docker

    Hallo, ich habe nun meine ersten Gehversuche auf Proxmox hinter mir und bin erstmal sehr zufrieden, einfach auch, weil es funktioniert. Aktuell laufen bei mir auf meienr Synology einige Docker-Container. Diese Dienste möchte ich sukzessive nach Proxmox umziehen. Ich habe nun einen LXC...
  3. M

    Migration von Paperless ngx

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe Paperless-ngx auf meiner QNAP-NAS in der Container Station laufen und mein Backup im Export Ordner. Seit einer Weile besitze ich einen zusätzlichen Server mit installiertem Proxmox. Ich möchte mein paperless-ngx nun auf Proxmox umziehen (weil mehr Performance) die...
  4. M

    Firewall breaks macvlan enabled docker containers in LXC

    I have docker installed in a debian LXC container on my Proxmox host. I want to utilise Proxmox's firewall on that container to improve the security of my setup. Proxmox - Unprivileged LXC - Docker Container - (macvlan bound to eth0) I have a container...
  5. S

    Proxmox hibernation? deep sleep?

    Hello, so I have a minipc called "zxipc mini pc". It has amd ryzen 4800 (8c/16t), 64 GB of RAM, 2x nvme drive and 1x ssd. I have proxmox installed in this bare metal and I am having troubles with the proxmox being under "deep hibernation"? When it enters the "hibernation" it is simply...
  6. V

    Alpine Linux in LXC + docker

    Installed Alpine Linux in LXC container Installed docker inside it according to the official instructions With these parameters: At the startup stage I get an error alpine-test:~# service docker start sh: error setting limit: Operation...
  7. K

    Proxmox cotainers expose to public

    Hello, I have a question. I have a proxmox and in it 2 separate containers: 200, 201. They have two differents ip 192.168.x.x. On container 200 there is a docker with traefik and a portainer to control and reverse proxy to my domain with DNS on cloudflare. On container 201 is a docker with...
  8. M

    Best (config/storage) strategy for multiple lxc with docker?

    Hi, I have to rebuild a node. I want it to run multiple LXCs with multiple docker container and am wondering on what would be the best strategy on this. Here are my ideas so far. Let's say I have two LXC called "network" and "media". "network" should run something like adguard and wireguard...
  9. P

    Proxmox --> Docker USB pass-through fails when Docker restarts

    Hi, I have the following nested setup: 1. Proxmox PVE on bare metal (Intel Nuc / 5.15.158-2-pve) 2. Debian Stable as LXC container on 5.15.158-2-pve 3. Home Assistant as unprivileged Docker container (Docker version 27.1.1, build 6312585) This works well, except for USB pass-through, when I...
  10. C

    How to use Bluetooth in Home Assistant in a LXC Docker container

    Hi all, I would like to run Bluetooth on my HA running in a Docker container. I'm running Proxmox on a NUC. According to the lsusb command I do have an Intel Bluetooth internal adapter. I'm running Docker in a LXC containter with HA, Nodered, Mosquitto installed as well. I've spent several...
  11. jsterr

    [TUTORIAL] P2100G bad network performance in (docker) container

    We had some issues with docker on p2100G broadcom nics these days. Container did have network performance of only 1.8 MB/s on a 100Gbit/s nic. We fixed it by turning off a specific offload parameter via ethtool --offload enp1s0f0np0 generic-receive-offload off Dont forget to put a pre-up in...
  12. M

    VLAN trunk inside VM for Docker

    Hello, currently I have a VLAN aware bridge in Proxmox and I'm running two separate VMs. Each acts as a Docker host in a dedicated VLAN (one in VLAN 3 and one in VLAN 4). VLAN 3 is my private LAN and VLAN 4 is my guest LAN. Now I'd like to add Pi-hole as Docker container and it would be great...
  13. B

    [SOLVED] Docker container would not start after upgrading Proxmox VE 8.1 to 8.2 with "OCI runtime create failed"

    Hi everyone ! After upgrading Proxmox VE 8.1 to 8.2, some of my docker containers running on LXC failed to start. Here is the message I had when trying to `docker start` a container : docker start portainer_agent Error response from daemon: failed to create task for container: failed to...
  14. M

    docker und LXC/VM - Problem mit invalid CapDrop

    Hallo zusammen, ich versuche Docker auf Proxmox zum laufen zu bekommen, sowohl auf LXC las auch VM. Testweise habe ich mit portainer zugegriffen. Das funktioniert bei meinem laptop ohne Probleme. Bei proxmox erhalte ich sowohl bei LXC als auch VM derzeit immer die Meldung: Failure invalid...
  15. A

    Docker Container kein Internet

    Hi zusammen, ich bin gerade dabei mich in Proxmox einzuarbeiten und habe Privat bereits den Umstieg von vmware vSphere vollzogen. Das meiste war selbsterklärend bzw. durch die gute Dokumentation recht schnell zu verstehen. Jedoch habe ich ein Problem mit Docker, gemäß der Dokumentation habe...
  16. F

    [SOLVED] VMs inside an internal network (bridge) lose Internet connection

    Hi, I've searched a lot of issues on many layers, there and there, and I think it may come from Proxmox. I'm using Alpine VMs to host some docker services, and for some for them, they may lose connection to the Internet, and coming back after a while, for no apparent reasons. The concrete...
  17. T

    Pterodactyle Config problem

    Hallo, ich war gerade dabei Wings einzurichten, hab dann aber gesehen dass das Herz von der Node nicht grün wird( also er sich nicht verbindet. Habe dann die Config nochmal gelöscht und von vorne begonnen, doch jetzt startet wings garnicht mehr. Hier die Fehlermeldung: INFO: [Apr 1...
  18. F

    [SOLVED] Understanding the logic with IP of LXC containers coming from Debian

    Hi, Very sorry if my questions are stupid, I'm just trying to figure it out. I had a one node server running on Debian with Docker on it. Very simple, I had all my different services running on one machine (plex, nextcloud, etc.). I had a Pi-hole service for my DNS, this way, *
  19. S

    Feedback for PVE setup for large Nextcloud installation (with other services)

    Hi there, Current Situation: We have a Nextcloud install with about 1000 users (but many are inactive). Everything is currently running on a Debian bare metal server, with caddy as a reverse proxy and Nextcloud (and other services) in Docker behind. Our current server (4 cores, 32 GB RAM, no...
  20. T

    Cannot start "cgroups" service in Alpine LXC

    I'm currently running an empty Alpine LXC and attempting to start cgroups so that something like Docker can be run, but I keep running into the same issue. This is on Promox's Alpine 3.19 template, which uses a new version of OpenRC that defaults to cgroupv2. ~: service cgroups start mount...