
  1. hoffmn01

    DKIM - body has been altered - when enabling disclaimer function

    Hello, we've got 2 mailgateways in production and we are happy with them. We recently noticed that DKIM is not working if we add a disclaimer through the mail filter actions. If we switch off the disclaimer, we get a valid/ok message for DKIM. If we enable disclaimer we get the following...
  2. DerDanilo

    Feature Request: DKIM - support ed25519 and dual signing

    - PMG should also support signing with ed25519 keys. - It is advisable to sign with rsa AND ed25519 since not all receiving servers are capable of checking ed25519 keys. (Dual Signing) - This should be configurable RFC 8301 RFC 8463...
  3. U

    different dkim selectors for domains

    Hello! Now, as far as I understood from the UI and docs, it is possible to have only one DKIM selector, that is shared across all domains in the installation. Is there a way to have uniq selector/key per domain?
  4. B

    [SOLVED] Undeliverable mail message not signed by DKIM

    I have proxmox mailgw as a relay to more mail servers in my local network and when someone tries to send mail to non-existing address, PMG returns Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender which is marked as spam because the message is not signed with DKIM, how can I have PMG automatically sign those...
  5. S

    PMG DKIM Config

    I'm just leaving this here so it may help other people. I've been screwing with this for several hours to get it working. Originally here is what I did to get the keys enable DKIM create selector (pmg2021) tick the box to sign outgoing mail. View the DNS change DNS records add a domain to...
  6. DerDanilo

    [SOLVED] Selecting domains for DKIM signing

    We want to be able to selectively have domain signed. Therefore we mantain domains in /etc/pmg/dkim/domains. Sign all Outgoing Mail Controls whether all outbound mail should get signed or only mails from domains listed in /etc/pmg/dkim/domains if it exists and /etc/pmg/domains otherwise...
  7. B

    Invalid incoming DKIM signature

    Hi, I recently noticed that mails from Gmail that include inline images or attachments are marked as DKIM_INVALID by SpamAssasin. X-SPAM-LEVEL: Spam detection results: 1 AWL -2.181 Adjusted score from AWL reputation of From: address BAYES_05 -0.5...
  8. A

    Bounce + DKIM

    Hi, We are currenty signing outgoing messages for specific domains with DKIM. The problem is that all bounce messages are not signed with DKIM. It is flooding our DMARC reports with PMG hostname as subdomain. Can we sign bounce messages with DKIM in any way? Or the only option is to create...
  9. B

    [SOLVED] DMARC-Reports zeigen DKIM "fail"

    Hallo Zusammen, in einigen DMARC-Reports bin ich darauf gestoßen, dass angeblich DKIM-Checks für Mails meiner Domäne fehlschlagen würden: <dkim> <domain>"domain"</domain> <selector>"selector"</selector> <result>permerror</result> </dkim> Ich habe eine Testmail an...
  10. J

    DKIM doesn't sign mails properly

    Out-of-box PMG generate DKIM, public part looks good (checked by several services), but outgoing mails doesn't signed properly - DKIM-Result: fail (bad signature) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=somedomain.tld; h=cc:from:reply-to:subject:subject:to; s=mgw...
  11. D

    DKIM and Signing domains

    I am curious as I look over the my servers for the DKIM section in Dashboard --> Configuration --> Mail Proxmox --> DKIM In the Settings section, if I have It set to "Sign all Outgoing Mail" that it signs all domains that are hosted regardless of whether they are using the DKIM record on their...
  12. D

    [SOLVED] Multiple DKIM

    Hi all, I am looking to see if there is a way to add multiple dkim records on the PMG server. I have one rolled out that I use for customers that is 2048 in length. The problem is a new customers DNS only allows for a maximum of 255 characters which as far as I can tell is a 1024 length key...
  13. H

    Proxmox Mail Gateway DKIM Configuration

    Good afternoon, You want instructions for setting up DKIM functionality on the Proxmox Mail Gateway. Please, if anyone can guide me. Thanks in advance for your attention. Sincerely, Hugo Almeida
  14. L

    DKIM Authentication-Result Header Inbound Mails

    In der Dokumentation zur PMG finde ich folgendes: Proxmox Mail Gateway verifies DKIM Signatures for inbound mail in the Spam Filter by default. Leider werden bei Inbound E-Mails weder ein "Authentication-Results" Header, noch weitere Informationen zur DMARC Richtlinie o.ä. gesetzt. Ist das ggf...
  15. L

    [SOLVED] DKIM Ändern des Selektors führt zu Neugenerierung des Private Keys

    Wenn der DKIM Selektor im GUI geändert wird, wird automatisch ein neuer Private Key /etc/pmg/dkim/selector.private generiert. Macht es nicht mehr Sinn zu prüfen ob /etc/pmg/dkim/selector.private existiert und das bestehende Zertifikat zu verwenden, sofern es existiert? (Verwendete PMG Version...
  16. D

    [TUTORIAL] Authenticated SMTP, DKIM and DMARC

    Hi there. Here's a how-to for adding authenticated SMTP (smtps and submission against AD, or LDAP), DKIM (both verifier for inbound and signer for outbound) and DMARC support to PMG (This is a "translation" from what I do using ansible...
  17. J

    Difference between 4.1a and 4.1b

    Hello all, we are considering Proxmox Mail Gateway as our all-in-one solution for most of the E-mail problems we have in our company. That being said, it is still unclear why there are two datasheets of the same product on the Proxmox website and why 4.1a is neither being offered to test, nor...