Difference between 4.1a and 4.1b


Active Member
Sep 25, 2017
Hello all,
we are considering Proxmox Mail Gateway as our all-in-one solution for most of the E-mail problems we have in our company. That being said, it is still unclear why there are two datasheets of the same product on the Proxmox website and why 4.1a is neither being offered to test, nor advertised for that matter. It would answer most of our technical questions, actually:
1. Do you offer a commercial anti-spam solution?
2. Can we use an alternative to Avira (e.g. ESET) parallel to ClamAV?
3. Is it possible to use a LDAP server to authenticate (instead of local users)?
4. Can we use DKIM with Proxmox Mail Gateway?

Thank you in advance!
Hello all,
we are considering Proxmox Mail Gateway as our all-in-one solution for most of the E-mail problems we have in our company. That being said, it is still unclear why there are two datasheets

The actual version is 4.1b:


1. Do you offer a commercial anti-spam solution?


2. Can we use an alternative to Avira (e.g. ESET) parallel to ClamAV?

that is currently not possible

3. Is it possible to use a LDAP server to authenticate (instead of local users)?


4. Can we use DKIM with Proxmox Mail Gateway?

Could you please name it?
that is currently not possible
Support for Avira ended last month. It would leave us running only ClamAV. Are there any plans to support it in the future?
I did not mean LDAP-Profiles. Rather, if one can login to the Proxmox management interface (and be assigned a role accordingly) through LDAP. I imagine it would involve editing some file from the console?
Could you please name it?

see https://www.proxmox.com/en/proxmox-mail-gateway

Support for Avira ended last month. It would leave us running only ClamAV. Are there any plans to support it in the future?

Yes. The next version (5.X) may allow external scanners. But so far this is just a plan.

I did not mean LDAP-Profiles. Rather, if one can login to the Proxmox management interface (and be assigned a role accordingly) through LDAP. I imagine it would involve editing some file from the console?

No, that is not possible.