debian 12

  1. J

    pgrep-based script only doesn't work for PVE

    Hi, I use a series of scripts to generate system tray icons to indicate when otherwise invisible background tasks are running, such as Timeshift, so that I don't reboot & corrupt something. I've been using the same bunch of scripts for everything with success for years now, but since installing...
  2. M

    [SOLVED] SSH Issue with CT's

    Hi All, Apologies if this is in the wrong thread. I've recently started experiencing issues with SSH & New CT, [ connect to host port 22: Connection refused ]... I Created a new CT, added my SSH Public key went through the setup & saved the config. Started the newly created CT &...
  3. K

    Contabo Proxmox 8.1 VDS, VMs hang on installation process. [XXX.XXXXXX] watchdog: BUG: soft lockup -CPU#X stuck for Xs!

    Just bought a Contabo VDS and i'm having trouble starting up VMs. I first tried to install Debian 12, it boots up fine to the installation screen but when i click to install i have one of two outputs on the VM console: a black screen or a "watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#X stuck for XXXs!"...
  4. W

    [SOLVED] Proxmox Hangs on Pre-Installation Boot Screen when Installing on Debian Bookworm (Proxmox 8.0)

    Hello all, I have an issue with installing a fresh instance of Proxmox 8 (latest as of October 25). I am able to install plain Debian or Ubuntu without any issues, but unable to complete installation of Proxmox 8 on top of Debian. I am following the instructions from the official Proxmox wiki...
  5. A

    [TUTORIAL] PCI/GPU Passthrough on Proxmox VE 8 : Debian 12 (with Cloud-init)

    This article is the third in a series of five articles dealing with the installation and configuration of VMs (Linux, Windows, macOS and BSD) in PCI Passthrough on Proxmox VE 8. Part 0-4 PCI/GPU Passthrough on Proxmox VE Installation and Setup (Part. 00x04) Part 1-4 PCI/GPU Passthrough on...
  6. P

    [SOLVED] Bookworm cloud image fails to find network adpater?

    Hi I'm trying to use Proxmox with the debian bookworm cloud image and cloud-init. But when I start the vm it gets stuck on boot when it checks that it has a network connection Job systemd-networkd-wait-online.service/start running (#s / no limit) for about 2 minutes. It seems Debian bookworm...
  7. T

    [SOLVED] LXC Nvidia Passthrough

    Hi there, Proxmox 8.0.4 / Kernel 6.2.16-6-pve / Debian 12 (host and container) I had this working for a while, but it's suddenly stopped. I've got two different lxcs which use the gpu (P400). I'm noticing that both lxcs are now running into a "permission denied" error accessing the hardware...
  8. L

    lxc container crashing

    If have a LXC container within the latest Debian version (12) and updates. It is running but after a few minutes it crashed and cannot be started again: run_buffer: 321 Script exited with status 25 lxc_init: 846 Failed to run lxc.hook.pre-start for container "113" __lxc_start: 2002 Failed to...
  9. F

    [SOLVED] Proxmox 8 stuck on networking.service start on fresh debian bookworm

    Hello, I followed the wiki to install proxmox on a fresh debian 12. I was able to access webui and after the final reboot, it is stuck on "Job networking.service/start running". I had to remove quiet and add debug in grub boot. I have this error in the console : apparmor="DENIED"...
  10. X

    [SOLVED] Debian with no EFI disk: tips to handle missing /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI?

    Hi - this is not really a Proxmox VE issue but seeking any tips you use to install Debian 12 without an EFI disk (i.e. use only default OVMF Boot Manager entries). Issue: when installing Debian 12 without an EFI disk it doesn't create /boot/efi/EFI/BOOTX64/BOOTX64.EFI — this means that the...
  11. L

    Debian 12 LXC Image problem

    Hi System: Proxmox 7.4 (latest version) LXC Image: Problem description: if we edit the ssh port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, to for example port 12000, ssh continues to use the default 22 port (ofc i did restarted the...
  12. M

    [SOLVED] Upgrading Debian 11 LXC with PBS to Debian 12, should I wait?

    Hi, I've been running PBS for some months on an LXC Debian 11 container and I was wondering if I could upgrade LXC Debian to bookworm (12) release or if I should wait and official release of PBS running on Debian 12 before performing the upgrade. Any suggestion? There is no hurry for me to...
  13. F

    Debian Bookworm questions

    Hi, I had two questions regarding the upcoming Debian 12 Bookworm release: Is it possible that Bookworm containers crash for some incompatibility with the current Proxmox setup ? I tested upgrading a simple Debian container to Bookworm to see what would happen and it gave some errors. I...