cron job

  1. R

    [SOLVED] Crontab not working

    Hello! I have problems related to cron in Proxmox VE 8.1 see below file crontab -e 30 12 * * * / 00 21 * * * / file ------------------------------------- #!/bin/bash INICIO=`date +%d/%m/%Y-%H:%M:%S` LOG=/var/log/rsync/`date +%Y-%m-%d`.txt echo " " >> $LOG echo "...
  2. L

    Problem getting crontab to work

    Hello all, I am very new to proxmox, but have a couple years experience admining my homelab linux server. I added a cronjob to crontab with crontab -e. I want to send Analogj/Scrutiny metrics to another server every minute. This is my crontab: @reboot (sleep 60 && echo "powersave" | tee...
  3. M

    [SOLVED] Unable to start CT using CRON

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here, so apologies if I get something wrong. Here's my issue: I have a container running Folding@Home that I want to shutdown during the night to reduce noise levels. My current cron looks like this: 0 9 * * * /usr/bin/lxc-start 5001 0 0 * * * lxc-stop...
  4. T

    [SOLVED] Trim cronjob not working - PVE 7.3.4

    Just wondering if anyone else has the same problem. In the default install I can see there are two cron jobs; one for scrubbing and one for triming: nano /etc/cron.d/zfsutils-linux I wanted to check that these jobs actually do something so I manually ran the following commands in the...
  5. I

    How do I mount network share AFTER TrueNAS VM starts?

    I'm using a TrueNAS VM for network shares and some of my containers use network folders in that VM. So I mount the shares in Proxmox and bind mount & remap uid/gid's in my unprivileged containers. This works fine unless I reboot. Proxmox fails to mount these folders since the VM hasn't started...
  6. U

    Crontab and Updates

    Hello, Will user modifications to crontab be overwritten during Proxmox VE updates? Are there best practices on configuring repeating tasks within Proxmox VE that is outside of cron/crontab? Thanks!
  7. S

    disabling crontab mail notifications

    Hi everyone, about a month ago I wrote 2 crontab entries to run every 30 seconds (used to upload some data). Everything worked fine, until yesterday I opened my spam mail folder and found more than 86,400 mails (XD). every time the cron service runs an email regarding the job is sent, and this...
  8. T

    Schedule trim (fstrim) job on Hosts/VMs

    Do I need to schedule fstrim for SSD disks (or even HDD?..) on Proxmox 6.2 ? And if I do, how exactly do I schedule such a job? I've searched online but didn't find anything except for scheduling backups... Thank you,
  9. S

    [SOLVED] Crontabs/cronjobs not working

    Hello everyone, i am currently facing a problem where I have some entries in my crontab (crontab -e) and in /etc/crontab. These lines or commands work on their own when I execute them via the web shell, but cron just does not execute them. there is no mail in /var/mail and no other indication...
  10. I

    Cron job for hourly spam reports

    I am new to pm gw, i run this command as per this thread, post#10, and found following error: root@pmg:~# crontab -e 0 8-18 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/pmgqm send crontab: usage error: no arguments permitted after this option usage: crontab [-u user] file crontab [ -u user ] [ -i ] { -e | -l |...