
  1. S

    Clone multiple vms from a template at the same time (Proxmox API)

    Is it possible that you can clone a vm or a template multiple times at the same time? And if yes what parameter must i use in this python request. HTTP: POST /api2/json/nodes/{node}/qemu/{vmid}/clone And if no what would be the best way to achieve to clone a template or a vm multiple...
  2. W

    Move PVE OS to new disk(s)

    Hello, I have proxmox installed on a ZFS mirrored set of SATADOMS. The SATADOMS are terrible and i'm needing to move the OS to some SSDs instead. I'd really rather not start a fresh install if I don't have to. Does anyone have any tips on moving the Proxmox OS to new disks? I guess one way...
  3. 3

    Stopping Clone Process Midway

    I had made a mistake with the creating a clone, so I hit the stop button. This ended up leaving two containers stuck with the lock symbol. To clear the locks, I edited the files under /etc/pve/lxc for the CT's. Deleteing the line "Lock: Drive" from the file. Don't leave a blank line. Once the...
  4. powersupport

    Unable to assign IPv4 and IPv6 to Windows server 19

    Hi, We have created a template for windows server 2019, it works okay if assing IPv4 to provision a VM, if we assign both IPv4 and v6, then there will be issues like sometimes IPv4 wrongly assign, or no IP shows, etc, anyone can advice on this ? Thank you
  5. R

    Install on many machines

    How could I best install proxmox on a large number of machines? The first method I can think of might be to install proxmox on one drive and clone it to many, Is this possible?
  6. G

    Linked clone support with Ceph?

    Are there any issues with creating a linked clone to a Ceph RBD share, or is there a faster way to do this? I’m trying to find the best way to share “live” data between multiple PVE hosts, with a high transfer rate. The VM images that I want to share are in qcow2 format.
  7. Z

    how to know linked clone or used by another vm/lxc before remove it

    Hello, as the title i want to make sure this is linked clone connected to that base image so how to know that? Best Regards
  8. C

    What is the best way to replicate an lxc container in another proxmox?

    Hi folks, I need to replicate a lxc container that I have in a proxmox server on another new one but i don't really know how to do it because i'm new to this. I want to follow best practices. This is the output of df -h (only lxc info)...
  9. V

    Can't clone CT from CT template

    Hi all! I'm a total n00b about Proxmox, started using it last week. I've created first CT template, and from it I've created a full clone without a problem. And then in that newly created CT I've done some other installations and I wanted to create a new template from it too. That went OK. But...
  10. T

    pct clone complains about missing snapshot.

    Proxmox VE 7.1 with all updates I believe. I am unsure what I do wrong: # pct snapshot 120 "myclone" # pct listsnapshot 120 `-> myclone 2022-03-30 19:24:46 no-description `-> current You are here! # pct clone 120 125 Cannot do...
  11. P

    Cloning Win10 VM as a completely new machine?

    Hi, I'm testing Win10 Autopilot feature with Proxmox. It's an automated PC kittng process managed by MS Intune. It begins refreshing PC according to pre-registered HWID.csv, which is composed of hardware hash, serial etc. HWID is acquired by powershell command...
  12. C

    How to clone serveral TB data of multiple small files into PVE LXC/VM?

    I am here to seek for a solution, but I don't know whereis the question threads so I put it here. I've install a PVE on a server with 24TB LVM Storage. Now I have to transfer about 10TB data from an external RAID Storage in ext4 filesystem. Actually, the data is storage in /dev/sda1, but only...
  13. B

    Server Hardware ändern/umziehen

    Hallo Leute, ich habe aktuell einen Proxmoxserver 7.0-11 laufen(1xSSD(Host), 1xHDD(Speicher). Darauf laufen 3 lxc´s(Nextcloud, Wireguard, PiHole) und eine VM(Windows10). Diese 4 Maschinen habe ich über die backup/restore Funktion auf meinen übers Netzwerk verbundenen RaspberryPi(OpenMediaVault)...
  14. B

    Duplicate a dying SSD (LVM-Thin) drive with new identical SSD

    Hello, I've inherited a ProxMox server. It currently has approximately 10 VM's running on it. But I got an alert that one of the SSD drives (only two in the entire server) that houses the VM's is dying. So I bought a brand new SSD same size same make model, everything. But currently I have...
  15. Y

    Re install OS to recover VM without losing Data

    Hi There. as shown in the attached, The OS wouldn't boot ( ubuntu ) and the only way is to re install the OS, But unfortunately my back wasn't up to date. IF I go to the actual VM, and attache ISO file in order to re install the OS, would that mess up my data ( Hard drive - zfs-local ) ...
  16. vanttech

    Unable to Activate Windows 11 Clone

    So I am running PVE7.0-13 and was able to get a Windows 11 VM working and it looks great I must add. The issue began after I decided to deploy cloubase-init for Windows and that also is working as a charm following some developments on a different thread on this forum. However after marking the...
  17. A

    Changing storage type from directory to NFS and vice versa

    Hello guys, We have several hosts with directory type storage. Anyone tried to change it from directory to NFS? My idea is to start the NFS server on the node, configure the same directory to exports file and change the storage type from the GUI. (and by change I mean remove the existing and...
  18. Z

    Linked Clones Unavailable to VMs!

    Hello, Are you able to create a LINKED CLONE from a VM? I find so much information about how to do it, yet I am not able to. After a great deal of frustration switching from a Directory storage to LVM-Thin, based on this Proxmox guide: VM Templates and Clones; I still did not have any...
  19. F

    Windows 10 clone : Sysprep not work

    Hello, I created a Windows 10 VM on which I did all the updates, installed all the drivers, made all my personnal configurations and now I would like to be able to duplicate this VM. So, I wanted to convert this VM as a template but before, that I saw that it was necessary to run the SYSPREP...
  20. O

    Contributors wanted / PBS as an alternative to Clonezilla

    I'm going to switch to PBS as an alternative to Clonezilla when storing images. The system is complete (but not finished) and is working fine, even I've to do some tasks by console which is totally fine for me. The setup consists of a Debian Live system (Debian Live Manual) and a handful of...