
  1. J

    [SOLVED] FreeBSD guests boot fail

    initially my experience with Proxmox 6 was rather disturbing, eventually i resolved what caused these issues and proxmox works well for me now. Recently (yeah) though i took on myself to install FreeNAS and OPNSense which are FreeBSD based and both behave "weird". The vm config i use can be...
  2. S

    VM laufen voll im RAM

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe das Problem das meine KVM VMs im RAM voll laufen. Ich allokiere z.B. 4GB RAM und setze 2GB RAM als Ballooning ein. Nach kurzer Zeit sagen wir mal X Stunden ist der RAM bei 3,6GB (laut Proxmox) gefüllt. Auf der Console kann ich gut erkennen das vom wirklichen RAM nur...
  3. C

    [SOLVED] Have the ballooning issues with Windows guests been solved?

    Some time ago I recall that ballooning on Windows guests was not recommended (bad performance IIRC, not sure). Has this problem been solved and if so, on which virtio / pve version(s)?
  4. B

    Node memory summary wrong with ballooning?

    Hi all I've got 3 x Windows Server 2012R2 VM with the following memory config: Min memory: 6144 MB Memory: 24576 MB My physical machine has 64 GB RAM. I've enabled ballooning, installed QEMU agent, installed the balloon service and driver on each VM. One VM uses around 2.63 GB RAM idle which...
  5. P

    Balloon memory behaviour in version 5.3 changed compared to 5.1

    Hello, The balloon memory behavior in version 5.3 changed compared to 5.1. And not for good. I have a VM with a memory configuration like this: min memory 448mb max memory 16gb In Proxmox VE 5.1, the host provided memory to the guest machine as it was needed. Usually, it had 3gb, and when a...
  6. P

    It seems that GPU passthrough (with hostpci entry) forces full memory allocation?

    I have seen a suspicious behavior of my GPU-passthrough VM (Linux) for quite some time. That is no matter how small the actual memory usage is (even when the ballooning is enabled), upon starting the VM, it will "try" to allocate the full memory (as configured). This doesn't mean that ballooning...
  7. J

    [SOLVED] Balloon funktioniert nicht bei Windows 2012R2 (migration von Hyper-V zu Proxmox VE)

    Hallo zusammen, ich habe Ballooning probleme bei eine migrierte Windows 2012R2 (Hyper-V zu Proxmox VE): ich habe folgendes gemacht: alle verstekte und inaktive Geräte aus Geräte Manager entfernt
  8. C

    Windows 2008/2016 LVM VM Backup always causes VE crash/hang

    Long time lurker on this forum, first time poster. I have read many many threads that are a close variation to, but not exactly similar to my issue. And I have already resolved my issue to my satisfaction, but have some questions about how Proxmox's deeper features work and if I should really be...
  9. H

    KVM fixed memory - ballooning?

    In PVE 4.4 when creating a new VM, at the tab Memory there's a new checkbox "Ballooning" when "Use fixed size memory" is selected. I thought ballooning is only used with dynamic memory assignment ( Also the "Help" button doesn't...
  10. N

    PVE 4.3 OutOfMemory (OOM) KernelPanic in VMs

    Ich evaluiere gerade PVE 4.3 auf einem drei-node Cluster (später dann mit sieben) mit je 64GB RAM. (Und ja, die Subscription kommt sobald alles läuft ;-) Nun habe ich oft das Problem, dass wenn ich VMs starte, diese mit einer OutOfMemory (OOM) KernelPanic während des bootens stehen bleiben...