
  1. V

    task apache2 blocked for more than xyz seconds

    Hallo zusammen, auf einem von mehreren webservern bekomme ich diese Fehlermeldung: task apache2 blocked for more than 120 seconds Der Webserver war vorher ein Ubuntu Server und ist jetzt ein neu installiertes Debian 12. Der Webserver war vorher auf der einen Node, jetzt auf einer anderen Node...
  2. P

    Let's Encrypt with Apache/Http Frontend

    Hello, I know that PMG 6/7 now comes with ACME for the Let's encrypt ssl certificates and works only in standalone/http mode (My Dns APi is not on the ACME list). The problem is that I have an Apache to redirect from HTTP to HTTPS so users can access their e-mail servers, pmg is on the same...
  3. A

    Correct Apache config?

    My system has been through multiple upgrades and is currently 6.1. The GUI works but the apache config seems to be legacy. /etc/apache2/sites-available contains pve.conf, and /etc/apache/sites-enabled/pve.conf is a symlink to that. pve.conf includes the line "PerlRequire...
  4. H

    KSM - Will it work for LXC?

    I was experimenting with KSM. I wonder if it can work on PVE with lots of LXC containers running same apps. Eg.: lots of apaches. I've enabled ksmtuned with threshold of 50%, it seems to run=1, but pages_shared:0 means it's not sharing and full_scans:0 probably means it didn't even tried to find...
  5. D

    Failed to get D-Bus connection

    Hi I have a kimsufi server at OVH running with a proxmox 2.3 and an ipfailover When the i start the server is on the network; on the other hand my container CT OpenVZ debian 7 makes an error if I start the network and / or apache2: vzctl enter 100 /etc/init.d/networking restart Restarting...
  6. H

    On boot container don't start apache and mysql

    Hi all, I just upgrade my container from debian 8 to debian 9 and now when I restart the container with the button "shutdown" and after "start" from the proxmox interface the container start but the apache and mysql service need to be start by command line. root@host4-vm106:~# cat...
  7. I

    make quarantine page publicly available in a secure fashion

    I would like to allow my users to access the quarantine page from the internet (not just the intranet). "somewhere" I've read, that one shouldn't expose the entire webgui/api to the wild internet, and only restrict access to the actual quarantine. (unfortunately I cannot find that reference any...
  8. P

    [SOLVED] Proxmox VE 5.2-1 through Apache 2.4.25 proxy

    Hey guys, I used this guide to build up a proxy with Apache 2.4.25 to Proxmox VE: Proxying Proxmox 4 with Apache from wonderproxy The problem: NoVNC does not work and all the VM stats aren't displayed. Does a newer guide exist for 5+ or does anyone know what I have to change concerning the...
  9. E

    [SOLVED] Debian CT reagiert auf WAN Anfrage erst nach externen Ping

    Hallo Zusammen, folgendes Problem mit einem CT auf dem Debian mit Apache2 läuft: Um eine Website aufrufen zu können (aus dem WAN) muss ich vorher immer erst aus dem Container ein Ping absetzen. Erst danach ist die Website erreichbar. Der CT reagiert allerdings sofort. Ist also nicht im Suspend...
  10. D

    [SOLVED] Working NoVNC with reverse proxy on 5.1

    Hello, as I have spent a lot of time last week fighting nginx in order to make it render the NoVNC websocket correctly without any success, I saw there are multiple messages from many members indicating that it doesn't really work right now, not even this configuration. I've managed to make it...