
  1. B

    [SOLVED] Pve certificate Google DNS challenge not working

    I'm trying to setup PVE to automatically challenge my DNS with the google cloud api but when i tell it to order my certificate i get an error. It keeps saying it cant access the directory /nonexistent/.config. I dont know if i should post this here on or on another thread for or gcloud...
  2. N

    [SOLVED] Issue while adding acme account with custom acme directory

    Hey, I want to add an ACME account with a custom directory (-> self hosted step-ca) Because you cannot add an acme account with a non-letsencrypt directory via the GUI, I used the command line on proxmox-back-server, I will get the following error: root@pbs:~# proxmox-backup-manager acme...
  3. R

    [SOLVED] Cannot Remove Non-Existent ACME Server

    Hey All, I love the new ACME certificate feature available in PVE 6/7. I created an internal ACME server, and tested it using one of our PVE7 servers. After some infrastructure changes occurred, the ACME server was moved to a new hostname, for example, `` ->...
  4. A

    Proxmox ACME with TransIP plugin: _sign: command not found

    Hi, I'm trying to setup Let's encrypt/ACME with the transip DNS plugin. Both automated and from the command line (pvenode acme cert renew) will have the script throw an error: # pvenode acme cert renew Loading ACME account details Placing ACME order Order URL...
  5. taich

    Can not add ACME account

    On my new proxmox 6.4 I go to datacenter ACME and want to add a new ACME account. I click Add, and Register Account opens state "loading...". After a while there is an error message "connection error - timeout" But the server has full connectivity. Static public IPv4,IPv6.
  6. C

    Let's encrypt does'nt work on a domain name IPv6 only

    Hello, ACME does'nt listen on port 80 in IPv6. It listen port 80 only in IPv4. For domain names with only record type AAAA, ACME does'nt work on Proxmox VE. I haven't software is listen on the port 80 in IPv4 or IPv6. I took a screenshot of the ACME logs and the "ss -atlp" command when...
  7. F

    [SOLVED] ACME DNS challenge no plugins available

    I have a domain I already use for my personal website: example.tld I would like to use LetsEncrypt to create some certificates for use on my internal network such as plex.internal.example.tlc To start, I registered my LetsEncrypt account under the Certificates > ACME, however now when I click...
  8. R

    pvenode ACME

    I am trying to work with the ACME account and certificates in Proxmox VE. Unfortunately, when I try and do actions like pvenode acme account register second <email> or pvenode acme account deactivate default. The command fails with: error during cfs-locked 'acme-second' operation: Registration...
  9. S

    [SOLVED] dns_namecheap script

    I accidentally modified/destroyed the dns_namecheap script. is there any way to replace it or recover the data as it was? I can't undo my changes since I deleted the backup file that I created (wanted to remove the modified file and used keyboard completion and deleted the backup file :( )...
  10. W

    Web UI ACME DNS challenge failed for sub-subdomain

    I am using Proxmox Virtual Environment 6.3-3, and using a DuckDNS, for example I want to get a certificate from Let's Encrypt using the web UI of PVE. I am able to create an account and challenge plugin in Datacenter. However, errors occur when I want to order a new certificate...
  11. C

    Obtain LetsEncrypt TXT Record from pvenode?

    Is there a way through SSH to obtain the TXT record from LetsEncrypt such that I could initially configure LE SSL certs within a node and then simply make a renewal request through the GUI? Thus, the auto renewal of SSL certs would work going forward? I ask as I've yet to find a workaround...
  12. K

    Hetzner DNS for ACME

    Hello. What acme plugin api I must use for Hetzner DNS? Acme support Hetzner DNS API
  13. C

    DYNU DDNS ACME anyone ?

    I am trying to setup this and do not seem to be able to find the correct format when creating ACME DNS Challenge Plug for dynu "API Data" filed. Anyone knows/dealt with this ?
  14. P

    Nginx and regenerate ACME letsencrypt certificates

    Hello. I configured Nginx according to this instruction. Everything works great. It has become much more convenient. But the following question arose: ngnix is blocking ports 80 and 443 to obtain letsencrypt certificates. In order to regenerate the certificates, I had to manually stop nginx, get...
  15. A

    Can't add certificate with ACME DNS / Cloudflare

    Hi there, The new ProxMox 6.2 looks nice and we were very interested to try out the new DNS verified ACME certificates. Unfortunately, we were not able to get it to work with the Cloudflare DNS plugin. This is on a host with a fresh new ProxMox 6.2 install. We first added an account and a...
  16. P

    Wildcard certificate

    I'm trying to obtain wildcard certificate using new features in Proxmox 6.2, however, the GUI does not accept my input. Am I doing anything wrong?
  17. R

    ACME with NSUPDATE not working

    Hello, i am trying to use LetsEncrypt certificates using Acme in Proxmox 6.2 with the new DNS verification. Specifically, I am trying to use nsupdate. Following the instructions in [1] and the information in [2], I have created a new ACME challenge configuration in my Datacenter...
  18. A

    Promox 6.2 ACME DNS Digital Ocean - Seems Broken?

    Trying out the new DNS Challenge and the UI appears to be missing something. For some of the plugins you get vendor specific fields to fill out but if you pick "dgon" all you get is a box called "API Data:" with no details on how your supposed to fill it out. So far I've tried just putting my...
  19. S

    [SOLVED] Spice "Connecting to graphic server" indefinitely with ACME cert installed.

    I've been having this issue for over 6 months now but haven't put in the time to figure out what is causing it until now. I configured a custom certificate for my primary server using the web GUI based ACME script. Ever since I did this spice has completely ceased to function from that node...
  20. M

    ACME Status 405

    Hi, Trying to add certificates to a node and followed the guide at but I get an error as soon as I try ordering the certificate. Error is as follows: ~# pvenode acme cert order Loading ACME account details Placing ACME order Order URL...