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  1. X

    Clusters nodes fault tolerance

    hi, i wanted exactly the same an now i sync the config-files from one node to a backup dir on second node: node1: rsync -aP --delete -e ssh /etc/qemu-server/ root@node2:/etc/qemu-server-node1/. node2: rsync -aP --delete -e ssh /etc/qemu-server/ root@node1:/etc/qemu-server-node2/. if node2...
  2. X

    Starting VMs after crash of one node

    can somebody tell me how a vm is registered to a node? do i only need the configfile for a kvm vm?
  3. X

    Starting VMs after crash of one node

    until version 2.x is released, i want to help myself with a little script. i'll try to explain: - node1 with vm 101 crashes - on node2 i want to activate the logocal volume of vm 101 and register the vm on node2. after that i can start it via webgui. is it possible? and how can i to it with...
  4. X

    Starting VMs after crash of one node

    Hi, i've got a two node cluster. if one node crashes, how can i start the virtual machines from crashed node on the other node? btw, where can i found some documentations about all pve-commands and for what they are? in the man-pages there ist everywhere a link to, but the wiki...
  5. X

    bad performance on cluster

    Hi, for more realistic results from dd, you schould use oflags! "dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/bigfile bs=1M count=16384 oflag=direct,sync" and if you have a second console, you can type "kill -USR1 $(pidof dd)" while dd is running. It will display the current state of dd on the first console ;-)
  6. X

    2.6.32: apt-get upgrade failed

    Hi, i've got some dependency-problems on upgrade. ...what should i do? the vzctl can't work because of missing openvz-support in the kernel. but proxmox-ve and pve-manager are depending on it :-/ (sorry for my bad english!)
  7. X

    Howto disable OpenVZ in the Webgui?

    i want to remove it, because we don't need it. btw., if i remove the OpenVZ-things from the local storage config, KVM is the preselected vm-type when i create a new vm ,-).
  8. X

    Howto disable OpenVZ in the Webgui?

    Hi, how can i completly disable OpenVZ in the WebGui? I don't need OpenVZ and want to hide everything relatet to it. Are there any config-tags or should i edit the websited directly?
  9. X

    Kernel Panic Debian Lenny as VM

    Hi, cat you paste the output from command "vmstat -S m 1" from both, VM and node? Maybe context switches are (too) high? Or install powertop to see what processes will call for interrups...
  10. X

    Context Switches and KVM

    Hi, I've got a two nodes cluster running ve 1.4. I've set up one kvm-vm with one cpu. when i run "dd if=/dev/zero of=/test bs=1M count=5000 oflag=direct,sync" inside the vm, the context-switches (vmstat -S m 1) grow up to 23000 and the io-wait is round about 40%. the kvm process is threading...
  11. X

    Information about advanced storage pools

    Sorry for my interruption, but can anybody tell me what i have to do to realize such a setup? my problem is that proxmox cluster wants to move the virtual machnine files during motion - but the files on destination node already exists. and after transfer, the source files will be deleted. any...
  12. X

    drbd ... again and again

    you want some docs? okay, here is a howto which helped me setting up a xen-cluster: my boss don't want to publish our xen-cluster docs, so i can only search ne net for you :-/
  13. X

    drbd ... again and again

    that sounds very good! do you need some help?
  14. X

    drbd ... again and again

    in 2010? that is too long for me! i've some experience with drbd, but my problem is the missing experience with proxmox ve i think. it''s not a problem to set up primary/primary drbd, but what happens when i migrate a vm from node1 to node2? proxmox will copy the config and disk, but with...
  15. X

    HowTo use crossover connection for sync

    okay, i did it! the /etc/network/interface was the right place. just build a second bridge (vmbr1) for the virtual machines and use the first bridge (vmbr0) for the clusternodes ;-)
  16. X

    Proxmox Cluster with Shared Storage

    Hi jogi, i'm very interested in some details. i have got two clusternodes with 1 TB harddisk on each. my first idea was to use drbd to sync the content of /var/lib/vz. but what about the migration of an virtual machine. pve will read the vm-files on one node an write it to the other node - but...
  17. X

    drbd ... again and again

    hi @all i want to use drbd to share the content of /var/lib/vz between two cluster-nodes. i hope this is the right way for manualy failover. i can life with a few minutes of downtime if one node crashes. fact is, that if a node crashes, the files of the vms on it are gone, isn't it? or are...
  18. X

    HowTo use crossover connection for sync

    Hi, sorry for my bad english - but i will try ;-) i try to setup a PVE Cluster with an extra net for sync. I installed the two nodes by using the lan connection on eth0. after that, i configured eth1 (crosslink) on both nodes. but i'm not able to tell pveca to use the ip adress from eth1...


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