ZFS block cloning/dnode_is_dirty bug


Active Member
Dec 27, 2018
I just stumbled over this and I was wondering how it relates to the versions of zfs here in the proxmox kernel? It seems like there is a bug that's been around that seemed a while that was brought to light with the latest block cloning code, or maybe they are 2 different bugs, I don't really know.


It also seems like there is a lot of panic by people, so, to be honest, I have no idea how large of an issue this is, and how or if I have been impacted yet. I'm sure the Proxmox team is aware and are evaluating.
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Seems like the feature is enabled as per this command:

zpool get feature@block_cloning ssd
(ssd is my zpool name)

my output :

NAME  PROPERTY               VALUE                  SOURCE
ssd   feature@block_cloning  enabled                local

Hence my version 8.1.3 is enabled with block_cloning.

My test above was done on a Fresh 8.1.3 server, whilst my other which was upgraded from 8.0 to 8.1.3 does not have this feature enabled even though it has zfs 2.2.0 version installed.

Edit #2:

My other cluster which I upgraded has the feature installed but not enabled. Which i'm thankful for.
So I think depending on the installation and upgrade path either it's installed and enabled, or disabled or not even installed lol:

root@MAN20:~# zpool get feature@block_cloning VmData
NAME    PROPERTY               VALUE                  SOURCE
VmData  feature@block_cloning  disabled               local
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I think that block_cloning needs to be enabled with zpool upgrade on existing pools which is why you have different results.
please check the existing threads as well! irrespective of whether your pool has the block_cloning feature enabled or not, ZFS 2.2 as shipped with PVE 8.1 disables block cloning by default via the tunable "zfs_bclone_enabled". unless you override that, no block cloning will happen.
please check the existing threads as well! irrespective of whether your pool has the block_cloning feature enabled or not, ZFS 2.2 as shipped with PVE 8.1 disables block cloning by default via the tunable "zfs_bclone_enabled". unless you override that, no block cloning will happen.
trying to understand a bit and ensure everything is OK:
I've just upgraded my proxmox and checking block cloning status shows that block cloning is disabled.

Then i upgraded the pool using
zpool upgrade -a
and checked status again: block_cloning was enable.
rpool feature@block_cloning          enabled                        local

Am i missing something?
root@pve1:~# zpool set feature@block_cloning=disabled rpool
cannot set property for 'rpool': property 'feature@block_cloning' can only be set to 'disabled' at creation time

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