Add a node:
hp2# pvecm add IP-ADDRESS-CLUSTER2) From what server I do this? On the new server or on the old server that I have VMs?
In the server that isn't integrated to the PVE Cluster to any IP of the Host(s) that is/are in the PVE Cluster.
But the format are:
For create a PVE Cluter:
pvecm create [A new name of the Cluster]
And you can to have a PVE Cluster of one single Node if more later you want add more PVE Nodes.
Only in this case (a PVE Cluster of a single Node) you don't lose quorum and ever you will have a perfect control of your PVE Node, so You do not need to do some extra manual work.
For add a single Host to a "PVE Cluster" existing:
In the simple Host you should run:
pvecm add [IP address of some Host that is in a PVE Cluster existing]
But if your PVE Hosts aren't in the same LAN, i believe that the Unicast configuration should be configurated first. please see this link:
And you should to know how configured a cluster of only two PVE Node. Please see this wiki the tittle "Two nodes cluster and quorum issues":
"When you have one server on EU and another server on USA, What is the best way to do the migrations?" I did that question to me, and think, well that will works, maybe slow, but will works. (That's what i think on this time).
In this case you must use unicast and not multicast, because multicast is for use only in a LAN, please see this link about of multicast:
But long time ago I did a question to the "PVE team" about of the minimal bandwidth necessary for the PVE Cluster communication, but got no response, this answer you need to know it for know if your "PVE Cluster" will work well on your link WAN. My personal recomendation is: Don't use "PVE Cluster" out of a LAN.
And for make migration of VMs in a WAN is a serious problem due to that is necessary have a common storage of images of VMs (equal think apply it to DRBD), and as this storage should be accessible for the PVE Nodes, I know that for your case, the migration not will be possible due to these requirements that should be previously configured and correctly working.
When I finish the commands, and login into the management panel, don't see any VMs, and my local storage has 688978946987.78 TB with 100% in use.
Anyway, these 4 VMs are working now without lost any data.
If your storage is "local storage", in a clean installation of PVE, the images of the VMs (equal to say "virtual hard disks") are in: /var/liv/vz/images/[
Number ID of the VM]/
Number ID of the VM.raw, or .qcow2, or .some other format supported by qemu].
And the Hardware configuration of the VMs are in: /etc/pve/nodes/[
Name of the Node]/qemu-server/[
ID of the VM].conf
Then you can put the "correct Hardware configuration" of the VM where it should be !!!.
But remember that you need to have in the PVE cluster some of this options enabled or configured (for not lost quorum and the control of all your PVE Cluster):
A) Minimal of "3 PVE Nodes", or
B) Minimal of "2 PVE Nodes" with a PVE configuration of only 2 nodes, or
C) Minimal of "2 PVE Nodes" + a third Node with 1 Quorum disk.
I think that with these requerimentes of "PVE Cluster", for you will be dificult apply it in a WAN.
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