[SOLVED] VM multiple disks: actual vm usage vs. proxmox usage

Jan 15, 2023
Hi there,

I am pretty new to proxmox and just finished setting up a Windows Server 2022 VM.
It is running smoothly but I am noticing some behaviour that I can not explain:

I have two ZFS pools, one ~1TB(Pool1 [local-zfs]) another one ~2TB(Pool2 [rpool_data], created on the Webinterface after installation).
My Windows VM lives on both (300GB Pool1 & 1TB Pool2). Both storages are RAID 2 -> 2x 2.

For the first pool the usage shows 1.95% even though I assigned ~30% of it to my VM.
The "problem" is my second pool - it shows a usage of over 80%.

Can anyone explain why one seems to understand how much the guest OS is actually using, while the other one does not?
I would say that I configured them exactly the same...

VMs Hardware configuration:

Disk 1 (the one created at initial installation):

Disk 2 (the manually created one):

I would really like to "reclaim" the unused space as this would make backups way easier. After a lot of googeling I just can't find anything. I probably just don't know how to express this exact situation in a googelable format...

Any help is greatly appreciated : )
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Thank you for your quick reply! You are probably right :) How might I change this setting? After googeling a little I found that there should be an interface with a box to tick. I only have a ‘details’ button on my ZFS view under the node -> Storage
Hi, sorry for the late answer as I was quite busy. You guys were right, I forgot to set that flag! Is there any way to trim my old VMs disk to reclaim the space? I have already tried to use the disk defrag tool via GUI and PowerShell:
Optimize-Volume -DriveLetter D -ReTrim
I also ran the following on my host (which seems to just invoke the disk defrag tool):
qm guest cmd 100 fstrim
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As said, the vdisk has to be newly created again.

So for example either by backing up the whole VM and restore it. (If I am not mistaken, the restore should delete the old VM including the vdisks first, in case you restore to the same VMID; but to be sure you could also manually delete the old VM before the restore.)
Or, in case there is nothing or not much yet on this vdisk, safe it temporarily from inside the VM elsewhere, if possible and delete and create that vdisk in PVE again.

Moving the vdisk to another storage and back again, might also work; but not sure on this.

Also not sure, if there might be some other (hacky?) ways...
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Glad that you fix your issue yourself!

I will set your thread as [SOLVED] to help people who have the same issue.