Upgrading switch stack - Ceph & HA


Renowned Member
Feb 3, 2015

I plan to upgrade a switch stack (2 switches) which means a downtime of 5 min (or more) I guess.

6 PVE Ceph nodes are connected to this stack, with nearly 80 KVM VMs in HA.

Even with shutting down all VM for 10 min, I think that PVE nodes would reboot, and I don't what could be the behavior after that.

What are the right things to do in pve nodes in order to complete the stack switches upgrade ?

Thanks in advance !

Even with shutting down all VM for 10 min, I think that PVE nodes would reboot, and I don't what could be the behavior after that.
Do you use HA and if yes, is the Proxmox VE cluster communication (Corosync) using the same switches?

You can stop the PVE HA stack for the maintencante window. First by stoppting the LRM service on all nodes:

systemctl stop pve-ha-lrm

then the CRM on all nodes:

systemctl stop pve-ha-crm

Once everything is back working, start them in the same order; first the LRM on all nodes, then the CRM.

Yes PVE nodes are connected to the same stack of 2 switches.
for each node :
- LACP 2 x 10Gb (VM bridge + Corosync ring1)
- LACP 2 x 10Gb (Ceph + Corosync ring0)

Yes all VMs use HA (default config).