Unable to receive email from Proxmox VMs and Containers


Active Member
Jul 25, 2019
We have installed application In Proxmox VM to our alert system and configured Gmail to send alerts But we are not getting email alerts
I tried with both VMs and Container but no luck whereas the system outside Proxmox can deliver emails form the same application.
The apparition we are using is Zabbix, in that SMTP server port we are using is 25
Please let us know if we need to enable something in Proxmox base system or somewhere
We cannot know what your applications do inside your VM, so we cannot know why they do not send emails or do not create error logs.

=> contact the creator of your application for help.

You post here in the Proxmox Mail Gateway forum but I am not sure if you are talking about a Mail Gateway issue at all.

I have noted something in base system

The email configured in Datacenter -> user -> root (pam) -> email is also not delivering emails
whereas the I am getting email alerts for a daily backup
So you are in the wrong subforum as you talk about Proxmox VE.

=> please post your issue in the right subforum again.