Unable to connect to internet (on host) after creating bridge


Jul 7, 2019
Thanks in advance for any help or consideration. I am completely new to this technology, so please bear with me.

I installed Prox on top of Debian. All was working well until I created a "Linux Bridge" to use with an Ubuntu LXC container (I had also just created). I can connect to the container fine, but now my host has lost the ability to connect to the internet. I've tried a few things but I am really fumbling around in the dark. Thank you!

networking hardware: wired ethernet to router running DD-WRT acting as wireless adapter [Note this worked great before creating the bridge and still works great for my other desktop]

  • details:
  • networking icon displays the connected status
  • can't ping DD-WRT router, actual router, or anything else
  • tried experimenting with various settings on hosts, interfaces, and resolv.conf
Thank you!
I deleted the bridge and used the following link to get a connection back. Now i just need to figure out this whole "bridging" thing!

From StackExchange:

First, get the list of recognized interfaces with an /sbin/ifconfig -a.

If you don't see any eth* interfaces, and you have an Ethernet adaptor installed, it wasn't detected. These days this is quite rare unless you have a card needing a firmware image to be loaded.

Assuming you find an eth0 interface, you want to issue an /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up to bring it up. Then a dhclient eth0 to get an IP via DHCP. If you want to set an IP address manually it's /sbin/ifconfig eth0 {ip address} netmask {net mask}; you'll also want to edit /etc/resolv.conf to point to your DNS servers (use and, which are Google's public DNS servers, if you are in a pinch.)

apt-get and all that should work now.

Next, type man interfaces which will explain how to edit /etc/network/interfaces and get Debian to do all this automatically for you at next reboot.
