TrixBox How-To

Here is a how-to I found for a TrixBox VOIP System

Basic Steps

Here are the basic steps with details later:

  1. Create VE from CentOS Template.
  2. Add character device /dev/tty9 to VE
  3. Install rpmforge & apt
  4. Add DAG repository
  5. Install yum
  6. Install speex and libspeex-devel
  7. Download Trixbox 2.0 tar.gz file (not ISO) and extract to /var/trixbox_load
  8. Change to /var/trixbox_load and run script
NOTE: You may need to run the script several times. Just seems like YUM doesn't
install all the packages at the same time. I am not sure what's up here.
Detailed Steps

  1. Create VE from CentOS Template.

  1. Add character device /dev/tty9 to VE
    • eg.
vzctl set 204 --devices c:4:9:rw --save
    • NOTE: If you are using zaptel or capi, then you will need to add those devices to the VE. .
  1. Install rpmforge & apt
    • You may check for the most recent release of rpmforge and apt.
    1. Install RPMFORGE
rpm -Uvh ${SITE}/rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm
    1. Install APT
rpm -Uvh ${SITE}/apt-0.5.15lorg3.2-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm
  1. Add DAG repository for yum
wget [URL][/URL]
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt
mkdir -p /etc/yum.repos.d
    • Create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo, with:
  name=Dag RPM Repository for Red ht Enterprise Linux
  1. Install yum
    1. Try installing yum via apt-get
apt-get update
apt-get install yum
    1. If that failed, then try doing the easy way. :) Install a newer rpm (rpm-4.3.3-18_nonptl.i386.rpm) which you can find in Google.
rpm -Uvh rpm-4.3.3-18_nonptl.i386.rpm
rpm --import [URL][/URL]
rpm -Uvh ${SITE}/yum-2.4.3-1.c4.noarch.rpm ${SITE}/libxml2-python-2.6.16-6.i386.rpm \
 ${SITE}/python-elementtree-1.2.6-4.2.1.i386.rpm  ${SITE}/python-sqlite-1.1.7-1.2.i386.rpm \
 ${SITE}/rpm-python-4.3.3-18_nonptl.i386.rpm  ${SITE}/python-urlgrabber-2.9.8-2.noarch.rpm \
 ${SITE}/centos-release-4-4.2.i386.rpm ${SITE}/sqlite-3.3.3-1.2.i386.rpm
--Note You may need to download and install (rpm -Uvh) dependencies before you can get Yum to work. The dependencies will be listed in the error messages if the install doesnt complete correctly. Wget dependencies from here:

  1. Install speex and libspeex-devel
 rpm -Uvh ${SITE}/speex-1.0.4-4.i386.rpm ${SITE}/speex-devel-1.0.4-4.i386.rpm
-Note You may need to download and install (rpm -Uvh) dependencies before you can get Speex to work (Mainly LibOOG and LibOOG-devel). The dependencies will be listed in the error messages if the install doesnt complete correctly. Wget dependencies from here:

  1. Download Trixbox 2.0 tar.gz file (not ISO) and extract to /var/trixbox_load
  2. Change to /var/trixbox_load
mkdir /var/trixbox_load
tar zxf trixbox-2.0.tar.gz -C /var/trixbox_load/
  1. Run script
    1. I find that I need to run this script several time, 2 or 3, and that it is best to reboot before running the first time.
cd /var/trixbox_load/
thanks. but can verify if this is working or not?

take the CentOS 5 template downloadable from Proxmox VE and try using also the newest release of Trixbox - your howto refers to 2.0, the actual stable is 2.6.1
trying to get either Trixbox CE or Asterisk Now working... been having a lot of trouble. anyone? I wanted to do it as a container and not as a KVM.

trixbox howto

  1. Create VE from CentOS Template.
  2. Add character device /dev/tty9 to VE
  3. Install rpmforge & apt
  4. Add DAG repository
  5. Install yum
  6. Install speex and libspeex-devel
  7. Download Trixbox 2.0 tar.gz file (not ISO) and extract to /var/trixbox_load
  8. Change to /var/trixbox_load and run script
  1. Create VE from CentOS Template.
  2. Add character device /dev/tty9 to VE
  3. Install rpmforge & apt
  4. Add DAG repository
  5. Install yum
  6. Install speex and libspeex-devel
  7. Download Trixbox 2.0 tar.gz file (not ISO) and extract to /var/trixbox_load
  8. Change to /var/trixbox_load and run script

did you ever try to use the rpm´s from this repository?

I don't think this will work very well as openvz will use the kernel from the host node which is 2.6.24 and cannot use the one that is specifically built for Trixbox.

I've done quite a few of these installs using the iso but always on KVM.

Jonathan Hamon
I got it working, it was a lot of work. I used the Yum Repo and installed on CentOS 5. Using Yum, things aren't configured like the RPM, so there's lots of work that has to be done configuring things.

I am going to see if I can simplify and make some instructions.
Please use a 64bit template if you want to use the zaptel ztdummy driver (it does not work with 32 bit templates)
Old topic... but I was looking for this last week...

Here the template ready and working :) (thanks to that guy in .ru)

I think we should create one for Proxmox to be downloaded using the Proxmox interface, I don't know if with Trixbox, Elastix, PBX-In-A-Flash, AsteriskNOW, or maybe even compiling Asterisk from the source-code... but we should it definitelly.

The guys from PBX-In-A-Flash mention something about it in this article, but I don't know the actual status:

Anyone has any update about this Asterisk template?

via the cell -

i have not done much with ours - it just works.
so no reason to play with it.

that freepbx however in vpn / fail over does look like a really nice feature.... however

sadly - i am in the middle of moving - so wont get to this until july i fear.