Transfer KVM from virtualizor to Proxmox.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2019

I'm taking my first steps with proxmox. Sorry about the translation too, I use an online translator.

I want to transfer several KVM servers to proxmox, in the documentation it only says this:

KVM to Proxmox VE (KVM)

Just create a new VM on Proxmox VE and add the existing disk image to this new VM, set the boot order and start.


I don't know where the disk is located to move it to proxmox, seeing some articles I have discovered some things, but I don't know very well what I should do. Can someone with experience tell me the steps to follow?

I, by myself have made some steps that I have found by the network, I have gotten this information, I do not know if it will be useful:

[root@nodo2nvme /]# virsh dumpxml v1013 | grep -i qemu
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>
[root@nodo2nvme /]# lvscan | grep vsv1011-dz0almluc0w1jsai-3jdmh5mjr43ugaco
  ACTIVE            '/dev/vg/vsv1011-dz0almluc0w1jsai-3jdmh5mjr43ugaco' [500,00 GiB] inh                        erit
[root@nodo2nvme /]# lvscan | grep vsv1013-dkhg0dxsetvwbbfx-sswvm9u7usmvb2sc
  ACTIVE            '/dev/vg/vsv1013-dkhg0dxsetvwbbfx-sswvm9u7usmvb2sc' [95,00 GiB] inherit
[root@nodo2nvme /]#


Thank you very much for everything.
I don't know where the disk is located

You have probably specified this sometime with qemu-img create or similar.

You can create a VM without ISO in our GUI.
After having found your old image you can use our command line tool "qm importdisk" to import your image into this VM. It will appear as unused disk in the Hardware options of your VM. You can then detach the disk that you created together with the VM and edit the options of the imported and currently still unused disk (i.e. increasing the number right to the controller in the GUI).

I've just been able to assign the disk from the image.

It already appears to me to choose the disk as an option, but when I restart the server from the virtualizor panel, I reassign the old disk instead of the new one.

How can I rename the new disk so that it has the same name as the current one?

Disks are like this right now:



My idea is that the new disk should have the old name: local:1015/vm-1015-d4y76na8ew2rnnly-ddjeqlirosyooryz.raw

Can I do it or is it not viable?

I reopen this topic because I migrated another KVM server from virtualizor to proxmox today.

I do everything as it should, the disk is selected and the server starts correctly. But, now I have the following problems:

The server is not accessible to IPS.
The server doesn't recognize the root password and I can't change it either.

Any ideas that might shed some light on the road?

IPS as in Intrusion Prevention System? You mean that the migration has changed the root password?

I'll tell you a little more about what I've been discovering.

If I create the server with that ip from scratch, it works correctly, but if I put the ip to that imported server it doesn't work.

As for the root password, I don't know, it doesn't let me in, I get here:


It's a 400GB server, I don't know if the size has anything to do with it.

The server is working correctly in KVM with virtualizor.

What I do to transfer it is to create an image of the vps and then move it to the proxmox server, import and select as disk, this:

qm importdisk 1024 Centos7KVM.img local

If I create the server with that ip from scratch, it works correctly, but if I put the ip to that imported server it doesn't work.
Check that you are using the right interface. Udev could have added a second interface and kept the old one prior the migration. Best use the MAC address of the original VM interface.

As for the root password, I don't know, it doesn't let me in, I get here:
Is the keymap correct?
Check that you are using the right interface. Udev could have added a second interface and kept the old one prior the migration. Best use the MAC address of the original VM interface.

Is the keymap correct?

Sorry, I'm already a little lost in trouble.

How can I check the two things you tell me?

I think everything is fine, but I don't know.

Was 'net0' rtl8139 before migration?
And edit 'net0' to paste the MAC from "old VM" (before conversion). So that the MAC of the NIC hasn't change for the VM.
Was 'net0' rtl8139 before migration?
And edit 'net0' to paste the MAC from "old VM" (before conversion). So that the MAC of the NIC hasn't change for the VM.

Yeah, I just confirmed that those data are fine, so I don't know why it doesn't work. Also, I've already moved a lot of servers from KVM to proxmox doing the same thing and they've all worked, this one is resisting.

Any ideas what more testing can I do?

Capturing the network on the previous server:

I just found out something.

I created a new 5GB VPS in virtualizor KVM and I connect correctly. I move it to the proxmox node and import the disk, it stops working.

I indicate the steps I do in case something is not doing well:

Create VM.

2º Move KVM to proxmox.
[root@ns3150454 ~]# dd if=/dev/vg/vsv1026-dl0easdmispyqrib-hdzw7xsxmm2tai53 | ssh root@**.**.**.** -- dd of=/var/lib/vz/images/1024/image.raw

3º Import disk
root@prox3:~# qm importdisk 1027 /var/lib/vz/images/1024/image.raw local
Formatting '/var/lib/vz/images/1027/vm-1027-disk-0.raw', fmt=raw size=5368709120

4º Peel off the disk with which the vps has been created.

5ºAssign the disk that was imported and start the server.

With this, I can no longer access with the root password nor can I connect to your ip.

What am I missing?
2º Move KVM to proxmox.
Better use qemu-img to directly convert the LV into a raw (or qcow2) file.

Any ideas what more testing can I do?
Did you set exactly the same MAC address in the config? Older systems use /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules to generate persistent network names. If the MAC address changes a new interface will appear.

And please post the complete config of the VM from Virtualizor.