The MSBL , Spamhaus


New Member
Oct 6, 2018

We currently running Linux based mailserver without fancy GUI now.

Our current system allows us to use The MSBL service.
We have considered using Proxmox mailgateway in the future...
Question is there compatibility for MSBL dot org

Also we are running local copy eg. Spamhaus data (using rsync) is that also supported? Bind compatible.

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I just saw, that the recent SpamAssassin update seems to be able to use MSBL, however, I have no experience with. You may be able to adjust either SpamAssassin or Postfix to run MSBL checks. Remember to read the documentation on how to copy the templates therefore to adjust them.

You may still run Spamhaus checks against your own rsync DNS service or you may install a DNS server and sync into this one on PMG itself. However, it's customization on your own. I also would not recommend bind anymore, I would recommend to use Unbound.

Our current system allows us to use The MSBL service.
We have considered using Proxmox mailgateway in the future...
Question is there compatibility for MSBL dot org

I will soon provide in my advanced thread on how to use as well with PMG. In short, you need to adjust some files on the shell as it's not available in the GUI (yet), but for sure, it's able to be used/activated with SA, latest now with PMG 5.1 release.