Storage setup confussion for VMs and Xpenology pass through


New Member
Mar 20, 2022
Good afternoon..

I have finally installed Proxmox and below is my config:

Intel 12th gen 12700K
Asus Z690 D4
64GB RAM non-ECC
Dell PERC H330 (Flashed to IT mode for passthrough).
120GB SSD Samsung 830 for Proxmox boot drive.
3 X 18TB
3 X 16TB
2 X 1TB SN850 NVME

My plan is to have Proxmox running from the 120GB SSD and i will either in future upgrade the SSD to form of RAID1 or just backup the SSD Weekly since it won't change much once set up.

the 2 X 1TB SN850 to have soley for VMs in RAID1.

The two sets of HDDs to be configured and set up within Xpenology.

I'm currently lost on how to set up the 2 X 1TB in a RAID1 by not using ZFS since when i'm reading through the threads it is mentioned many times ZFS will kill your SSDs. - Can someone help me set this up please?

Once this is set up i will install the VM on the SSDs. Then i will go through the Xpenology setup and i believe the HDDs should just show up for me to setup as EXT4?

Have i missed anything or has anyone had better experience with this set up?

Any help would be much appreicated.
This might be a question more suited for xpenology forums. I'll give it a shot though.

Firstly I would suggest going through the process and testing to see if your happy with performance with your chosen option. There can be a sizable performance hit and xpenology can be a bit finicky with drive mapping.

Best option for performance: passthrough of 2x nvme to the Xpenology VM and then inside DSM set it up as the main data volume (volume1 in raid1). This is best to minimise wear as the Synology OS will look at disk geometry and do all the trim function for you etc. You will lose all snapshot functionality and you will probably appreciate this during DSM upgrades especially with xpenology.

My suggested option would be using zfs mirror(raid 1) in proxmox, then add a 500gb volume shared to xpenology VM. In DSM you won't get an ext4 volume you will see a single 500gb disk. For speed settings your boot disk must be SATA but your 500GB main system partition can be SCSI. Virtio drivers are rolled in last time I checked and are stable.

Hope this info helps. It can be tricky as you have multiple layers of abstraction and I wasn't sure how familiar you were. Either way you will get write amplification unless you do direct passthrough. If I get 2x I would be happy as snapshots are far more beneficial. You can always smartly allocate the sequential writes to your bulk spinning xpenology volume (volume2) and your app/dockers to your volume1.