Storage replication in case of PVE failure


New Member
Jul 27, 2022
Hello community!

I'm a noobie with Proxmox and still learning :D

I want to do my lab - I've got Proxmox cluster (two physical servers). I'd like to create enviroment as simple as possible where I will be able to migrate VMs between servers.
I was thinking about this solutions - Storage replication ( ). I made this exercise, but if I understand correctly, I won't be able to migrate VM from srv1 to srv2 in case of failure even though the storage will be replicated to srv2 (because now I don't have access to srv1) ?

A possible solution is Cepth. But again If i understand correctly, I need three servers with same configuration and storage capacity?, or will be sufficent two servers and one server with witness role for these cluster with minimal resources (cpu,mam,storage)?

Thank you for your comments and advice! :)

Best Regards,