Stability of API Endpoints not in Documentation


Apr 22, 2020
I'm quite familiar with the API Viewer website and at least the basics of many of the endpoints. However, in the course of using the WebUI there are some (or at least one) endpoints that do not appear in the API Viewer. For example, the /nodes/{node}/query-url-metadata endpoint is used by the WebUI when downloading a file (with the /nodes/{node}/storage/{storage}/download-url endpoint).

My question is: How stable are these endpoints? Are they likely to change or disappear since they are not in the officially documented list of endpoints?
the published docs are (usually) only regenerated when point releases are done. every PVE system ships with a copy of the docs including the API viewer, these match the system's packages (or at least the state when pve-docs was last built, there can be a slight delay there as well ;)).

in general we try hard to keep stuff stable within a major release, except for endpoints marked as internal or deprecated.