Spice SSL error on Linux

Mar 19, 2018
Hi there,
I've searched the forums and consulted the wiki, but am unclear on how to solve an issue I'm having.

Currently I'm running Proxmox 4.2-2. I just have the self signed cert that came with Proxmox which is fine for me ( it's only being used on my LAN ), I just ignore the warning, and all works fine.

My issue is, when using remote-viewer to connect to a VM using SPICE, I get the error "Unable to connect to the graphic server spiceproxy"

In the commandline, I also get the following from remote-viewer: "GSpice-WARNING **: main-1:0: SSL_connect: error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)"

I'm using the shell script mentioned in the wiki, but it does the same direct from the browser too.

If I try to connect from a Windows machine, it works fine, so it's not the VM or the Spice setup on the Proxmox node.

I'm assuming my linux machine/remote-viewer isn't liking the Certificate or Cipher somehow. But adding the pve-root-ca.pem to my trusted ca certs does nothing for SPICE ( but makes logging into the Web UI easier )

I was going to generate a new intermediate CA and Server Cert/Key from Pfsense and replace the standard one, but in reading the line from the wiki on HTTP Cert config:

"When accessing the web interface on this node, you should be presented with the new certificate. Note that the alternative certificate is only used by the web interface (including noVNC), but not by the Spice Console/Shell."

So this makes me think, if that is the issue, it won't make any difference if I replace the HTTP cert.

Is there some other cert i need to be 'trusting' on my linux machine to enable this to work?

Any advice on how I could get this working would be much appreciated, as I'm at a loss on what to try next.

Kind Regards

Below is the output of remote-viewer with debug mode on for Spice. I'm using the Shell Script suggested in the Proxmox wiki:

note it says the CA is null, not sure if that is concerning.

Also, I noticed in the files generated by the node ( the one with all the connection details etc ), the Certificate has a bunch of \n newline characters included, These are present in VIM, Sublime and cat on the commandline. Not sure if that could cause an issue with remote-viewer parsing the ca?

sebastiaan@sebarch:~|⇒ ./spiceopen.sh -u root@pam -p <MYPASSWORD> 102 <nodename> <node-ip>
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:286 New session (compiled from package spice-gtk 0.34)
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:290 Supported channels: main, display, inputs, cursor, playback, record, smartcard, usbredir, webdav
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: usb-device-manager.c:509 auto-connect filter set to 0x03,-1,-1,-1,0|-1,-1,-1,-1,1
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:1743 no migration in progress
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:146 main-1:0: spice_channel_constructed
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:2246 main-1:0: new main channel, switching
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-gtk-session.c:1107 Changing main channel from (nil) to 0x561b67f9c4f0
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: usb-device-manager.c:974 device added 1044:7a03 (0x561b67f6b410)
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: usb-device-manager.c:974 device added 0665:6000 (0x561b67f6c310)
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: usb-device-manager.c:974 device added 1532:0037 (0x561b67f728f0)
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2688 main-1:0: Open coroutine starting 0x561b67f9c4f0
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2529 main-1:0: Started background coroutine 0x561b67f9c3a0
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:2180 Missing port value, not attempting unencrypted connection.
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2555 main-1:0: trying with TLS port
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:2192 main-1:0: Using TLS, port 61001
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:2140 (with proxy htt p://thebox:3128)
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:2064 proxy lookup ready
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:2047 main-1:0: connecting 0x7f5e7e13aab0...
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:2031 main-1:0: connect ready
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2451 main-1:0: Load CA, file: (null), data: 0x561b67f75200

(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-WARNING **: main-1:0: SSL_connect: error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2665 main-1:0: Coroutine exit main-1:0
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2858 main-1:0: reset
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: channel-main.c:1539 agent connected: no
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2800 main-1:0: channel reset
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2410 main-1:0: Delayed unref channel 0x561b67f9c4f0
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:1937 session: disconnecting 0
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:286 New session (compiled from package spice-gtk 0.34)
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:290 Supported channels: main, display, inputs, cursor, playback, record, smartcard, usbredir, webdav
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: usb-device-manager.c:509 auto-connect filter set to 0x03,-1,-1,-1,0|-1,-1,-1,-1,1
(remote-viewer:6038): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-session.c:1937 session: disconnecting 0

Hoping someone can help. This has really stumped me.

Here is a 'cat' of the connection file before it's sent to remote-viewer - note the '\n' throughout the certificate ( me thinks this could be the issue ).

ca=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nf62U874U2O1/2X9EC+Wwk9vEld63J6i9KL2P\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n
title=VM 102 - Ubuntu16.04
host-subject=OU=PVE Cluster Node,O=Proxmox Virtual Environment,CN=thebox.sebastiaan-stoffels.com

compared to the cert straight off /etc/pve


The question is - why is it doing this? And How can I get Proxmox to output the file without these spurious '\n's ( if this is indeed the problem )

Edit: tried turning all the \n into actual newlines, but it complains about invalid file. Also tried stripping all newlines, and same thing ( using sed and tr ) The file looked correct, but remote-viewer no like it.

Back to square 1.
Last edited:
I've followed that blog tutorial, created my own CA + Intermediate CA + Server certs, got it all working perfectly in the browser, but still no joy with Spice.

So strange that the browser is totally OK with the new cert and Spice still errors, maybe it's something different again.

I can't use Lets Encrypt as my Host/Node isn't Internet facing.
Hi all,
Sebastiaan, Did you find a solution ? I have exactly the same problem with self signed default pve cert and the debian stretch remote-viewer client.
I have imported the ca in the system trust certs, no luck...
Even if I use --spice-ca-file= to load my pve ca it shows

GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2382 main-1:0: Load CA, file: (null), data: 0x55ede9bdbc30

It works pretty well with windows client.
I never got it working in Proxmox 4.2, but ended up re-installing ( upgrading ) to the latest Proxmox version, and it worked after that.

I have no idea what was causing the error.

Hi all,
Sebastiaan, Did you find a solution ? I have exactly the same problem with self signed default pve cert and the debian stretch remote-viewer client.
I have imported the ca in the system trust certs, no luck...
Even if I use --spice-ca-file= to load my pve ca it shows

GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:2382 main-1:0: Load CA, file: (null), data: 0x55ede9bdbc30

It works pretty well with windows client.
I can confirm It works well with pve 5.1, tested it in a nested vm configuration.


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