Spam Qauarantine Overview


Active Member
Sep 7, 2018

in our company the CIO wants that the quarantie is checked by the IT staff. Is there a possibility to create a overview over all Spam Quarantine to Delete or Deliver theses messages?

You (Admin/Quarantine Manager) can check the spam quarantine per user mailbox. There is no way to display all in one page.
Can I make a feature request for this?

A web gui displaying thousands of quarantined emails is hard to implement (without creating too much load on the host). So far our devs declined this (there are reasons).
I had a similar request. Based on Tom's response to another thread, you can add a BCC action object to the quarantine rule (send a copy to another mailbox).

In our case, the trick will be to send it to a mailbox with zero spam filtering, or we'll have crazy back-scatter issues. I will probably end up spinning up a VM specifically configured to host this dummy account - or spend a bit of time figuring out how to add Dovecot to PMG without breaking things :-)

You may want to use Thunderbird to read the contents of the spam account, it gives you a better ability to view the message source for example.