skip DNSBL


New Member
Oct 6, 2023
I have some senders that use bulk sending tools, and some of the service's IPs are listed in RBLs. Thus blocking some emails and receiving others, I would like to know how to permanently release all emails received from this domain? Remembering that I already used the Configuration>Mail Proxy>Whitelist option using the "Sender" option and it had no effect.
Please share the logs for such a blocked mail, and the ones for one that got through - without them we can only guess.

DNSBL checks in the mail-proxy work on IP-level - so if you want to allow mails to pass them you need to whitelist the actual IPs
Below is the log:

2023-10-05T16:38:23.342431-03:00 XXXXXX postfix/postscreen[3899158]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from [xxx.xx.254.42]:51540: 550 5.7.1 Service unavailable; client [xxx.xx.254.42] blocked using; from=<>, to=<>, proto=ESMTP, helo=< >

But one piece of information has already led me to a real solution. As you said that DNSBL works on IPs and that is the problem, we are adding the domains to the whitelist. The problem is that there are many email marketing services with many different IP networks.