Would you mind ditching your obnoxious attitude?
You are not anywhere near as intelligent as you misassume yourself to be; as evidenced by your lazy lack of grammar, inability to recognise and comprehend generic terms that include more than one specific jargon title and failure to understand simple, logical queries or the circumstantially related reasons for them.
Obnoxious attitude aside, thank you for "trying" to assist our query despite your elsewise rude and arrogant manner.
We already stated:
"we verified through the PVE Admin Guide that data relay between cluster nodes is automatically encrypted with PVE issued TSL (i.e. SSL v4) Certificate Authority by default or LetsEncrypt ACME issued TSL (i.e. SSL v4) Certificate Authority by configuration."
As you twice stated, that relates to data relay between cluster nodes in the form of API Requests.
And as you twice stated, data relay between cluster nodes in the form of "syncing" is done by corosync; which you initially remarked involves encryption of data relayed between cluster nodes.
That thoroughly answered the first Data Security query.
Though we ought notify you that the PVE Admin Guide makes no reference to "corosync" involving data encryption, nor do general sources of information about the methods involved in "corosync", HENCE WHY WE ORIGINALLY ASKED THE DATA SECURITY QUERY:
"Is data relay between a server cluster's nodes encrypted?"
If you read the PVE Admin Guide, as you suggest, you will find that during PVE installation you can choose the root file system, including the option of ZFS.
If you keep reading the PVE Admin Guide, as you suggest, you will find that a server cluster's file system can be configured to CephFS.
As you ought know, if you read the PVE Admin Guide and are familiar with PVE and it's architecture, the root file system of a host server and the file system of a server cluster are two unique storage regions. The root file system of a host server is unique to the storage devices networked with a single physical server and the file system of a server cluster is distributed across the storage devices networked with one or more host servers.
We were asking if ZFS was feasible as a server cluster file system concurrent to ZFS as the host server file system/s.
We asked that because ZFS is superior to CephFS (provided adequate RAM per physical server) and, despite details of ZFS as a root file system for a host server, because the PVE Admin Guide provides no detail about implementing and configuring ZFS as the file system for a server cluster. The only emphasised implementation and configuration detail given in the PVE Admin Guide for server cluster file systems is for CephFS.
And we were asking if host server root file systems and/or server cluster file systems can be ZFS Encrypted (the optional encryption facility of ZFS).
We asked that with regards to providing data security against physical access to storage devices and because there was no reference to the capacity of PVE to handle ZFS Encryption on either host server root file systems and/or server cluster file systems.
Returning to the query about third-party IDS compatability, the potential for OSSEC functions and rules to compatibly operate AFTER ProxMox Firewall functions and rules is EXACTLY WHY WE ORIGINALLY ASKED THE DATA SECURITY QUERY:
"Does ProxMox Firewall conflict with OSSEC?
If ProxMox Firewall and OSSEC do not conflict, then what one processes first?"
Integration is another generic term you fail to comprehend yet feel the need to audaciously and erroneously "educate" us about.
Contrary to your misassumption, "integration" is not limited to only mean "merger of separate computer programming scripts' function processes into a singular computer programming script".
Aside from far broader context potentials, the given context can include exactly the compatibility and order of process we originally enquired about, as is the case with existing "integration with Suricata" that we concurrently mentioned when advising ProxMox to investigate the potential of "integration with OSSEC/WAZUH".
As obviously evidenced by our written words, we are aware of Suricata as a compatible IDS that processes subsequent to ProxMox Firewall processing and have considered implementing it.
Moreso, in considering it, it was obviously evidenced that we would prefer to implement OSSEC/WAZUH because:
"It is a Host Intrusion Detection System superior to yet inclusive of a Network Intrusion Detection System with "Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard" compliant community "intrusion detection" and "intrusion response" rules that are regularly updated yet can be custom edited."
In that OSSEC/WAHUZ is a HOST IDS whereas Suricata is a NETWORK IDS, it is "potentially" far more appropriate for ProxMox Virtual Environments that involve both Host Servers, Server Clusters and Virtual Machines
Yet compatibility and the possibilities of integration need be investigated and the ProxMox Team are the most appropriate party to investigate it.
ProxMox and ProxMox users might like to thank us for offering that suggestion.
Also, when you hopefully mature to be an adult man, you might like to offer us your gratitude for helping you to overcome your current tendency towards erroneous arrogance and an obnoxious attitude.
Merry Christmas.