So loving PBS, however I wanted to automate some things. One of those things is auto assign media pool depending on the prefix of a tape.
I have an IBM 9 tape changer and I wanted an easy way to add new tapes and run a command to auto assign them to media pools depending on the label prefix so I wrote a bash script to do this. It loops through an array of prefix to media pool names and builds a work list by dumping the changer status getting all the tapes that match the prefixes, then takes that list and ensures the tapes are not already in the media pools (skips those). Takes this work list and loads the tape, assigns it to the correct pool and then ejects the tape. We are using the PBS built in tools pmtx and proxmox-tape commands.
Here is the source, feel free to use it in your system if you would like. If you end up using it post on this thread so I know it's helpful.
v1.0 tested on PBS v2.2-7
Latest source found here:
I have an IBM 9 tape changer and I wanted an easy way to add new tapes and run a command to auto assign them to media pools depending on the label prefix so I wrote a bash script to do this. It loops through an array of prefix to media pool names and builds a work list by dumping the changer status getting all the tapes that match the prefixes, then takes that list and ensures the tapes are not already in the media pools (skips those). Takes this work list and loads the tape, assigns it to the correct pool and then ejects the tape. We are using the PBS built in tools pmtx and proxmox-tape commands.
Here is the source, feel free to use it in your system if you would like. If you end up using it post on this thread so I know it's helpful.
v1.0 tested on PBS v2.2-7
Latest source found here:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2022 Kenneth R. Robinson (DocCyblade)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Looks at all tapes in the library and assigns them into
# the correct media pool by the prefix of the label if
# the tape has not already been assigned
# Tested on PBS v2.2-7
# Source:
# Change Log
# 1.0 - First release (2022-10-28)
# Tape drive name in PBS to use
# Add your prefix to media pool below
# APA_PREFIX_TO_POOL[PrefixHere]="PoolNameHere"
# ---------- Do not change anything below --------------
# License/Copyright Notice
echo " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " Proxmox Backup Auto Media Pool Assignment Script $APA_VER"
echo " (`basename $0`) - Licnesed under GNU GPLv3"
echo " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " | Copyright (C) 2022 Kenneth R. Robinson ( |"
echo " | This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; This is free software, |"
echo " | and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions |"
echo " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo ""
sleep 2
# Other variables we will used later on
declare -A APA_WORK_LIST
# Grab changer status, stash it in a variable
echo "Fetching changer status"
ABA_RAW_TAPE_LIST=`pmtx status`
# Grab Media library, stash it in a variable
ABA_RAW_MEDIA_LIST=`proxmox-tape media list`
# Loop through the prefix list defined above and create work list
# and display lists
for iPrefix in "${!APA_PREFIX_TO_POOL[@]}"
# echo "DEBUG: Checking for tapes with prefix of $iPrefix ${APA_PREFIX_TO_POOL[$iPrefix]}"
# Create tape list if any from the current prefix ($i)
# This should have all the tapes with current prefix ($i)
xSubList=`echo $ABA_RAW_TAPE_LIST | grep -o $iPrefix.....`
# Loop through the tape lists and build work list
# Check to see if tape exists in the media library
# if it is there we skip it
for iTape in $xSubList
# echo "DEBUG: Processing tape: $iTape"
# Look up tape in media list result 0 if now found
# result of 1 if found
xResult=`echo "$ABA_RAW_MEDIA_LIST" | grep -c $iTape`
# echo "DEBUG: xResult = $xResult"
# Add tape to work list and mark it on the display List
# depending on the xResult of the lookup
if [ "$xResult" == "0" ]
# Tape label not found in media library, mark it as such in the
# display list and add it to the work list
# echo "DEBUG: Tape $iTape is Not in the library add to work list"
# echo "DEBUG: Update display list"
APA_DISPLAY_LIST[$iTape]="Add to ${APA_PREFIX_TO_POOL[$iPrefix]}"
# Tape label was found in the media library, mark it as skipped
# echo "DEBUG: Tape $iTape was found in the library"
# echo "DEBUG: Mark as skipped in display list"
APA_DISPLAY_LIST[$iTape]="was skipped"
# Display work to be done
echo ""
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo " Work List"
echo "---------------------------------------"
for iTape in "${!APA_WORK_LIST[@]}"
echo "$iTape to ${APA_WORK_LIST[$iTape]} pool"
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo " This will assign the tapes above to "
echo " pools listed next to each tape "
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo ""
read -r -p "Are you sure you want to do this? [Y/n] " input
case $input in
# Select Yes, get to work
echo ""
echo "Lets get to work!"
# Loop through the work list
for iTape in "${!APA_WORK_LIST[@]}"
echo "Processing $iTape.. "
proxmox-tape load-media $iTape
echo "waiting for drive to be ready.."
sleep 5
proxmox-tape label --label-text $iTape --pool ${APA_WORK_LIST[$iTape]}
echo "Ejecting $iTape.."
proxmox-tape eject
echo "$iTape complete!"
APA_DISPLAY_LIST[$iTape]="was added to ${APA_WORK_LIST[$iTape]} media pool"
echo "- - -"
echo "All tapes in the work list are done!"
echo "---------------------------------------"
for iTape in "${!APA_DISPLAY_LIST[@]}"
echo " - $iTape ${APA_DISPLAY_LIST[$iTape]}"
echo "---------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Canceled! Nothing has been done"
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Invalid input..."
echo "Canceled! Nothing has been done"
echo ""
echo ""
exit 1
echo ""
echo ""
# echo "DEBUG: End of Script"