Happy with proxmox i do find myself in a sudden challenge of sorts. As I found some prior posts on this I share the experience here. This is most recent proxmox running with ZFS.
I have no memory of changing anything when xterm.js console refused and only showed a message+spinner is it connecting, noVNC works fine throughout.
My /etc/hosts file was rewritten to include the hostname for the host, this hostname was only known to the <non-routable-ip> in the form <hostname>.<sub>.<domain>.<tld>
After reboot this change resulted in a full-down for almost all PVE services. Despite reinstalling software the PVE setup remained broken. Main reason was all data in /etc/pve/* was gone and no reinstall fixed this. I even manually recreated the certificates.
After fooling myself for a few hours it became sensible to restore /etc/hosts to the prior state and reboot. Now the data is back. noVNC still works, xterm.js still fails.
Now, I noticed the .pem and .key files in /etc/pve are nnamed pve-ssl.key and pve-ssl.pem which is not entirely in-line with the repective name i saw mentioned in logs. It may be something is broken here ?
I've just reinstalled pve-manager which worked fine. I still hope to recover use for xterm.js and request some feedback.
I also'd like to know how data can be gone and not-gone with ZFS by adding a hostname to the localhost-IP which was not configured anywhere before.
Happy with proxmox i do find myself in a sudden challenge of sorts. As I found some prior posts on this I share the experience here. This is most recent proxmox running with ZFS.
I have no memory of changing anything when xterm.js console refused and only showed a message+spinner is it connecting, noVNC works fine throughout.
My /etc/hosts file was rewritten to include the hostname for the host, this hostname was only known to the <non-routable-ip> in the form <hostname>.<sub>.<domain>.<tld>
After reboot this change resulted in a full-down for almost all PVE services. Despite reinstalling software the PVE setup remained broken. Main reason was all data in /etc/pve/* was gone and no reinstall fixed this. I even manually recreated the certificates.
After fooling myself for a few hours it became sensible to restore /etc/hosts to the prior state and reboot. Now the data is back. noVNC still works, xterm.js still fails.
Now, I noticed the .pem and .key files in /etc/pve are nnamed pve-ssl.key and pve-ssl.pem which is not entirely in-line with the repective name i saw mentioned in logs. It may be something is broken here ?
I've just reinstalled pve-manager which worked fine. I still hope to recover use for xterm.js and request some feedback.
I also'd like to know how data can be gone and not-gone with ZFS by adding a hostname to the localhost-IP which was not configured anywhere before.