resizing proxmox disk to make it smaller.


Jun 26, 2019
Is it possible to resize a proxmox disk to make it smaller? I only see the option to increase the size.
It is a windows installation.
Is it possible to resize a proxmox disk to make it smaller? I only see the option to increase the size.
It is a windows installation.

in short NO
Reason: the host cannot know the filesystem and therefore know which part is used.
extending is easier as it simply makes the file bigger and set the information about it

workarounds: prefered way is using zfs with thin provisioning, prefably on a ssd or nvme.
with that you have to use scsi as guest disc, activate discard and ssd emulation.

with that: after trimming your windows diskt (disk optimization) youll see imidaitly used space will go down.
ofc you need to keep an eye once you overprovision with thin :))

the hard way:
you make a new disk with the desired space
shrink the partition in the guest to desired size (or a bit less)
boot with cdrom and a cloning tool / partition copy - copy over the whole disk from big file to small file.

detach original disk and boot from new small disk, if ok then delete old disk

i use by default 50gig imiages on thin prov. on zfs as default for winserver, only get more or additional disks where needed.
its a bliss. real worl usage is 10gig per blank win2012srv while they had initially 18gig after install and doing updates.

nothing better then sending a diskcelaup command to all guests at once cross cluster and see diskusage drop like a stone on Precious nvme storage :)
Is it possible to resize a proxmox disk to make it smaller? I only see the option to increase the size.
It is a windows installation.

What format is the current disk in? LVM / QCOW file e.t.c