Request: PVE GUI - Server View


Active Member
Jul 21, 2009
In the PVE GUI there are different View's defined.
Server View contains all Containers, VM's, Templates, Storages where there is also Storage View which contains the same hierarchical listing for Storages only.
Would it be possible to remove the Storages from Server View as there is a explicit view for them anyway?

The Folder View has the option to show only that but there is no reference on which host the CT/VM is running on - that's very useful in the Server View.
And maybe you can add another one in the Folder View showing listing only the VM Templates?

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I don't get why removing the storage from the server view should make sense, I mean if there's a storage it should be displayed?
Same goes for your second request, the folder view has no reference because it isn't the server view (which would be the view with the reference).

The one about templates could be reasonable, in any case feel free to open an enhancement on our Bugzilla:
I don't get why removing the storage from the server view should make sense, I mean if there's a storage it should be displayed?

There is a explicit 'Storage View' - what is the purpose for that one then?
The Storage View is not used very often so i may not be needed to be displayed below every cluster member - in our case there are 16 storage entries listed below on each member.
As the 'Server View' is the default view and as there is a dedicated storage view i think the storage entries must not be listed there.
Or if it's possible to add a new view only listing CT/VM's and have the possibility to set this one as the default view?
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Hi Tim,
I'll ask for the same as screenie.
Let me explain my server, I have a datacenter with 9 servers and 4 CEPH storages and 3 backup servers.
As you can imagine, I have repeted all the same storages in the 9 serves, and this is not usefull.
I'll like to see only the VM grouped by Nodes, if I want to see the storage, I can go to Storage View.
I don't tell you to modify the view, just add other with only the VM/lxc group by nodes.
Can I modify by myself in some file?

Thank you!
I already see beginners complaining about not working nodes because a storage reaches 100% and switches to read-only and corrupting data.
They already often don't get it with the storage indicator always infront of their eyes. I guess this would be way worse, when they first would need to switch to storage view to see how full the storages are, which they probably never did before.
Hi Dunuin,
I don't ask to change the default view, I'm asking to add another view with only VM/lxc group by nodes.
Or a way so I can change it on my deployment.

Thank you.
Ok, I manage to filter the storage with adding this line:
"filterfn: ({ data }) => data.type === 'qemu' || data.type === 'lxc',"
on the line 8003 of the file /usr/share/pve-manager/js/pvemanagerlib.js

It should be like this:

server: {
text: gettext('Server View'),
groups: ['node'],
filterfn: ({ data }) => data.type === 'qemu' || data.type === 'lxc',