Request: Please remove required email field from installer

the e-mail address is already configurable in the web interface - it is the address of the root@pam user, which you can edit when editing that user (see /usr/bin/ for how the forwarding is actually implemented, it's rather simple).

what about pre-filling the mail address field with some invalid example address in the installer like we do for the FQDN? that way, you would have an @ already there if you cannot enter one yourself, but it would still be mandatory to change it to a real value.. you'd just have to pay attention to not accidentally delete the @ :P
what about pre-filling the mail address field with some invalid example address in the installer like we do for the FQDN? that way, you would have an @ already there if you cannot enter one yourself, but it would still be mandatory to change it to a real value.. you'd just have to pay attention to not accidentally delete the @ :p

That would be nice.
Sure, why not....or just like said before, make it 2 fields (user and domain) and append them afterwards.

But i still prefer some mechanism to define values as much as possible beforehands. Should i open a new thread for this? ;)
the e-mail address is already configurable in the web interface - it is the address of the root@pam user, which you can edit when editing that user (see /usr/bin/ for how the forwarding is actually implemented, it's rather simple).

what about pre-filling the mail address field with some invalid example address in the installer like we do for the FQDN? that way, you would have an @ already there if you cannot enter one yourself, but it would still be mandatory to change it to a real value.. you'd just have to pay attention to not accidentally delete the @ :p
Yes, sounds good!

But @morph027 's idea is also good could and can be an useful addition, too.
what about pre-filling the mail address field with some invalid example address in the installer like we do for the FQDN? that way, you would have an @ already there if you cannot enter one yourself, but it would still be mandatory to change it to a real value.. you'd just have to pay attention to not accidentally delete the @ :p

Also a suggestion, would work for me.
And I think if you deleted the @ accidentally for the first time when using HP ILO you will take enough care :-D
Why not adding a very stupid replacement like ! => @ ?
If you can't write the @, you can use the ! and PVE automatically put the @

Very dump idea
Independent from the initial @ problem - I would highly appreciate if the whole email alerting configuration of each node could be configured via the Webinterface! :)
Independent from the initial @ problem - I would highly appreciate if the whole email alerting configuration of each node could be configured via the Webinterface! :)

the root email can be configured via web interface, also the backup email. what do you miss exactly?
I already posted this earlier in this thread - the receiver is the configured email address of the "root@pam" user, the sender address is configured in the datacenter configuration
the installer sets up postfix, you can reconfigure it with the usual debian tools (like dpkg-reconfigure) or use your own config
Ok, that might be the isue as someone else has configured the initial setup. But nonetheless, I'd like to propose to add the overall email allerting config to the Webgui as well, probably with some checkboxes on what to report/alert and what not etc.
Ok, that might be the isue as someone else has configured the initial setup. But nonetheless, I'd like to propose to add the overall email allerting config to the Webgui as well, probably with some checkboxes on what to report/alert and what not etc.

We have the root email address on the GUI already. We do not have a full customization monitoring /alerting system, as this is not the scope of a virtualization platform.