I also thought about "frontloading" the storages with a storage-filer NFS/ZFS/iscsi.IMHO PVE and Block level storage is a hit and miss. It works with LVM-Thin over iSCSI but you lose out on snapshots (this affects backup growth and the ability to freeze VM states). But also you could front load your block storage with a filer and export NFS/SMB to PVE and have the "best of both worlds" while maintaining that block storage investment, but you do introduce a middle-failure-point. However, the likes of TrueNAS scale supporting a HA config plays nice in this space. Just spin up the filers, build the HA pair, attach them to your Block storage, build the LUNs and format them and export them via NFS. Then you connect that up to your ProxmoxVE cluster.
But I don't like the idea of adding devices and complexity, because most of our storages already have active/active dual-controller heads.