QEMU-Guest Fails to install


Jan 9, 2019
Harrisburg, PA
Good afternoon. I have a couple of servers that the QEMU-Guest agent fails to install from the virtio-1.190 release. If I attempt to install it from the guest-agent subdirectory I get "QEMU guest agent" window with message "There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor". If I attempt to install the virtio-win-guest-tools at the root of the release, it completes the first half and fails at the spice and guest-agent service installation and rolls back the entire installation. The command prompt pops up momentarily and then closes with a "Setup Failed" window with "One or more issues caused the setup to fail. Please fix the issues and then retry setup. For more information see the log file. 0x80070643 - Fatal error during installation."

Have tried rebooting, re-installing and making sure the service didn't already exist then rebooting and trying again. Kind of stuck and would really like to have all of the virtio drivers and the agent installed but not having any luck with 3 particular Windows 2012 R2 servers. We have installed on many other servers with no issues. I've attached the logs and screenshots of the errors. Most notable entry from the log is pasted below.

[0E44:0708][2021-03-16T12:57:35]i301: Applying execute package: vwi.vxX9, action: Install, path: C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{BBB1A253-8C7C-49C0-8378-AF8CBED116C3}v101.2.0\vwi.vxX9, arguments: ' ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT="1" MSIFASTINSTALL="7"' [0E44:0708][2021-03-16T12:57:39]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to install MSI package. [0E44:0708][2021-03-16T12:57:39]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to execute MSI package. [0F00:0A94][2021-03-16T12:57:39]e000: Error 0x80070643: Failed to configure per-machine MSI package.



* have you seen [0] and [1]?

* can you also post your vm configuration? qm config VMID

* is the installer running as administrator?

[0]: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Windows_2012_guest_best_practices
[1]: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Windows_VirtIO_Drivers
Yes have seen [0] and [1].

agent: 1
balloon: 0
bootdisk: scsi0
cores: 4
cpu: host
hotplug: disk,network,memory,cpu
ide2: none,media=cdrom
memory: 24576
name: PRDSQL1B
net0: virtio=06:F0:FD:18:85:C0,bridge=vmbr0,tag=172
numa: 1
ostype: win8
scsi0: PRDPOOL01:vm-501-disk-0,discard=on,size=80G
scsi1: disk14b_encrypted:vm-501-disk-0,backup=0,discard=on,size=550G
scsi2: disk3b_encrypted:vm-501-disk-0,backup=0,discard=on,size=200G
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1: uuid=daa8f2eb-ba3c-4a22-a62c-52fe24a8de99
sockets: 1
vmgenid: e7d1de0e-9509-4691-91f6-a4f2350bd84b

Ran the installer as local Administrator and Domain Administrator with same results.
from [0]:
For the VirtIO drivers, upload the driver ISO (use the stable VirtIO ISO, get it from here) to your storage, create a new CDROM drive (use "Add -> CD/DVD drive" in the hardware tab) with Bus "IDE" and number 3. Load the Virtio Drivers ISO in the new virtual CDROM drive.

but i don't see the virtio iso attached to your machine. could you try that?

the links on that page are quite a bit to follow but you can download the iso from here [0]

[0]: https://github.com/virtio-win/virtio-win-pkg-scripts/blob/master/README.md
I think we have a disconnect with the issue. The problem isn't an inability to attach the ISO -- the problem is that when we attach and run through the installation, it fails at the guest-agent. If we attempt to install the guest-agent directly, it also fails. I provided the screen caps as attachments and provided the logs.
could you try to restart the VM and run the installer again?
i'm unable to reproduce this issue here. could you post pveversion -v output?
After a BIG struggle with this issue, I've found that sometimes, for obscure reasons, the installer of the guest agent spews out an error like:

Error: 8004E00F when trying to access COM+ Applications in Component Services

I solved this obscure issue as per Microsoft reccomendation:

------------------- CUT HERE

This error could be because of missing or damaged MS DTC or the Network Service account does not have sufficient permissions.

We can try the steps mentioned below and check if that helps in resolving the issue:

Method 1: Re-create the MS DTC log

Re-create the MS DTC log, and then restart the service. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Type Command Prompt in the search bar on the taskbar.
  2. Right click on Command Prompt icon and click on Run as administrator.
  3. At the Command Prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER: msdtc –resetlog
    The msdtc -resetlog command can cause data corruption if it is used incorrectly. Make sure that you do not have any pending transactions when you run this command.
  4. Type the following command, and then press ENTER: net start msdtc.

If Method 1 didn’t help, please follow Method 2.

Method 2: Re-registering the service

Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.

Follow the steps to take backup of registry.

  1. Press the Windows logo key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type regedit in the Run dialog box, then press Enter.
  3. Navigate to the location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSDTC
  4. Right click on TurnOffRpcSecurity and select modify. Change the value to 1.
  5. Now, in Run box, type services.msc.
  6. Look for Distributed Transaction Coordinator and stop the service.
  7. Double click on the service and click on Log On tab.
  8. Now type NT Authority\NetworkService under This account.
  9. Leave the password section blank.
  10. Click on Apply and OK.
  11. Start the service.
  12. Restart the computer.
--------------- CUT HERE

The "Method 1" worked for me, after the commands "msdtc –resetlog" & "net start msdtc" the guest-agent installed correctly. YMMV.

Took me 1 hour of swearing at the screen to get the gist of this error, because the cmd prompt that spews out the error lasts for less than half a second. I had to record the screen and slow it down to 0.02X .

It was painful.

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After a BIG struggle with this issue, I've found that sometimes, for obscure reasons, the installer of the guest agent spews out an error like:

Error: 8004E00F when trying to access COM+ Applications in Component Services

I solved this obscure issue as per Microsoft reccomendation:

------------------- CUT HERE

This error could be because of missing or damaged MS DTC or the Network Service account does not have sufficient permissions.

We can try the steps mentioned below and check if that helps in resolving the issue:

Method 1: Re-create the MS DTC log

Re-create the MS DTC log, and then restart the service. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Type Command Prompt in the search bar on the taskbar.
  2. Right click on Command Prompt icon and click on Run as administrator.
  3. At the Command Prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER: msdtc –resetlog
    The msdtc -resetlog command can cause data corruption if it is used incorrectly. Make sure that you do not have any pending transactions when you run this command.
  4. Type the following command, and then press ENTER: net start msdtc.

If Method 1 didn’t help, please follow Method 2.

Method 2: Re-registering the service

Important this section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.

Follow the steps to take backup of registry.

  1. Press the Windows logo key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type regedit in the Run dialog box, then press Enter.
  3. Navigate to the location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MSDTC
  4. Right click on TurnOffRpcSecurity and select modify. Change the value to 1.
  5. Now, in Run box, type services.msc.
  6. Look for Distributed Transaction Coordinator and stop the service.
  7. Double click on the service and click on Log On tab.
  8. Now type NT Authority\NetworkService under This account.
  9. Leave the password section blank.
  10. Click on Apply and OK.
  11. Start the service.
  12. Restart the computer.
--------------- CUT HERE

The "Method 1" worked for me, after the commands "msdtc –resetlog" & "net start msdtc" the guest-agent installed correctly. YMMV.

Took me 1 hour of swearing at the screen to get the gist of this error, because the cmd prompt that spews out the error lasts for less than half a second. I had to record the screen and slow it down to 0.02X .

It was painful.
Thank you for this will give it a shot if it happens again.
KVM Guest
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
Version: 21H2
Build: 19044.1526
Windows Feature Experience Pack: 120.2212.4170.0

Virtio tools for Windows ISO
virtio-win-0.1.217-1 : FAIL (Does not install.)
virtio-win-0.1.215-2 : PASS (The Installation starts the vdagent and qemu-ga services automatically.)

Services Commands
"C:\Program Files\Spice Agent\vdagent.exe"
"C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qemu-ga.exe" -d --retry-path

What works?
HOST ─▶ Copy-and-paste ─▶ GUEST :
GUEST ─▶ Copy-and-paste ─▶ HOST : FAIL (Not sure why this fails to work.)
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I do not understand the order how does this gets activated?
should we install the agent then activate it ?
Please see my updated previous message.
If the services do not automatically start, then try starting them. It might fail, so then you need to consider installing an older version of the virtio-win package.
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Registering QEMU Guest Agent VSS Provider:
C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qga-vss.dll
C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qga-vss.tlb
Failed to pLoc->ConnectServer. (Error: 80070422) The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because
it has no enabled devices associated with it.

Failed to GetAdminName. (Error: 80070422) The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has
no enabled devices associated with it.

Removing COM+ Application: QEMU Guest Agent VSS Provider
Registering QEMU Guest Agent VSS Provider:
C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qga-vss.dll
C:\Program Files\Qemu-ga\qga-vss.tlb
Failed to pLoc->ConnectServer. (Error: 80070422) The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because
it has no enabled devices associated with it.

Failed to GetAdminName. (Error: 80070422) The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has
no enabled devices associated with it.

Removing COM+ Application: QEMU Guest Agent VSS Provider
谁 遇到过这种报错呢
After 8 hours of bumping against wall with error code of 0x80070643 and fail install of Qemu Guest Agent, I can share solution 3.

My VM was physical UEFI machine virtualized, thus require OVMF BIOS setting (for UEFI boot). Default Video setting is not SPICE, which is required as step of installation.
1. Set Display to SPICE setting in Hardware section of VM.

Then drivers with Spice installed ok, but Guest Agent was failing to successfully install. Tried to install it manually, by extracting msi to qemu-ga folder, renaming all the files according the install script still no luck, and running command produces error
qemu-ga.exe -s vss-uninstall
qga-vss.dll specified module not found

This thread guided to another direction, and finding out MSDTC dependency was a key. The issue was, that this "Distributed Transaction Coordinator service" was missing on the system at all. It required to install it:

Open a command prompt as Administrator.

At the command prompt, type the following to uninstall the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service: 
msdtc -uninstall

At the command prompt, type the following to install the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service: 
msdtc –install

After reboot and trying to install Qemu guest tools with guest agent again, it finally worked.