pve-zsync for replicating ZFS pool


New Member
Dec 21, 2019
I recently created a cluster after adding a second node to my network. I've been using my first node as a ZFS storage for my network and would like to replication the ZFS array on the 2nd node. Lets call the original node server1 and the ZFS pool zfs1 with ip x.x.x.1 and the 2nd node server2 and the zfs pool zfs2 with ip x.x.x.2 . Is this the correct command to create a recurring sync
pve-zsync create --source x.x.x.1:zfs1/directory --dest x.x.x.2:zfs2/directory
Am I missing something or is there a better command for this type of thing
Please follow the documentation: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/PVE-zsync

On the node where you create the job, you don't need the IP-Adress, only the pool. So for example: Here i create a job. The source is a other proxmox node.

pve-zsync create --source [2001:470:1e3c:533:ec4:7fae:ae22:c7b1]:118 --dest v-machines/HDD-vmdata  --maxsnap 15 --name dataVM --verbose

The "118" is an VMID. You can to this only with datasets directly too. What exactly do you want to achieve? If you would save more then one version to your target, so here at my command "15", then pve-zsync is the right choice for you. If you would only replicate to another server, for example migrate, or one Backupversion, you can to this with the replicationfeature directly in the gui.
I had read that page in the documentation and i wasn't sure if it was the command i needed to use for my use case. What I'm trying to do is replicate the entire ZFS dataset. I use the ZFS pool to store all my files (movies, pictures, documents, etc), essential like a NAS, and I want to replicate the pool to the 2nd node as a backup. So i guess my question is the pve-zsync command only for syncing and replicating VMs or can i use it to backup the dataset on the first node?
I use the ZFS pool to store all my files (movies, pictures, documents, etc), essential like a NAS
So mean you have installed SMB/NFS on Proxmox directly, not in a VM, right?
Oh i see. I use ssh and sshfs on proxmox itself. All my clients run desktop linux distos