PVE Disk partitioning/allocation for ISO and Backup


Oct 21, 2022
Hi All,

I'm very new to Proxmox VE.
We have a RAID-5 local disk size of roughly 240GB. My manager asked me to install PVE. Allocate disk space with the following:
- ISO set to 10GB
- Backup set to 50GB
- The rest of the space for datastore, i assumed it for local-lvm.

How could i achieve his requirements?

Hope the experts can share some info.
When installing PVE and choosing LVM as storage, then it will create two storages. "local" as a LV with the root filesystem on it. This is where the OS is installed to and where you can store ISOs and backups.
The other storage is "local-lvm" which is a LVM-thin pool where PVE can only store virtual disks of your guests.
And then there is a third LV used for swap.
A good size for PVE itself is 16-32GB. If you want 10GB for ISOs and 50GB for backups (by the way not a smart idea to store you backups on the same raid array that stored your config files and guests...when that array fails you will loose the guests and backups at the same time...so I hope you also do external backups) I would add 60GB to it. So a "local" storage of 76-92GB + some GBs for swap and the rest of the capacity for "local-lvm".

See chapter "Advanced LVM configuration Option" in the Wiki on how to define how big "local", swap and "local-lvm" should be: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Installation
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Hi Dunuin,

Really appreciated your help.

Correct me, based on my understanding, i should size maxroot 92GB [(32GB (extra root buffer) + 60GB (ISO & Backups)]. And don't enter any values on swapsize, minfree and maxvz.

Hi All,

My objective is to have 100 GB or 200 GB for root volume so that i can store 10 GB data on ISO and roughly 50 GB on Backup (Temporary backup place).

I set maxroot to 200 GB and maxvz to 0. Unfortunately, after installation, i saw datastore "local" only showed 58 GB rather than my expectation of roughly less than 200 GB?

1. What happens?
2. How to set my objective?

Look forward for some help!