Proxmox VE 4.0 released!

With OpenVZ, i was used to do batch of things on all containers with a thing like this:
vzctl exec $ID "apt-get update somepackage -y"

With LXC, it somehow does not pass the whole command inside.

pct exec 100 apt-get install mc -y
Unknown option: y
400 unable to parse option
pct exec <vmid> [<extra-args>]

pct exec 100 "apt-get install mc -y"
lxc-attach: attach.c: lxc_attach_run_command: 1195 No such file or directory - failed to exec 'apt-get install mc -y'

Any idea? ;)
With OpenVZ, i was used to do batch of things on all containers with a thing like this:
vzctl exec $ID "apt-get update somepackage -y"

With LXC, it somehow does not pass the whole command inside.

pct exec 100 apt-get install mc -y
Unknown option: y
400 unable to parse option
pct exec <vmid> [<extra-args>]

pct exec 100 "apt-get install mc -y"
lxc-attach: attach.c: lxc_attach_run_command: 1195 No such file or directory - failed to exec 'apt-get install mc -y'

Any idea? ;)

just run:

> pct exec 100 apt-get install mc
Yeah, sure, i do ;) But then i need to answer things. This is not cool when running something on 200+ containers. Ok, it doesnt matter that much as Puppet etc. take care of almost all things, but sometimes (when everybody needs a package the day before) this is kind of handy.
Pleas use '--' to pass additional parameter, for example:

# pct exec 100 apt-get -- install mc -y
upgraded from 3.x to 4.0, restored all Openvz to LXC. Configured VLAN and IPv6.
Works like a charm!

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First of all thank you for the amazing work! This update is huge, but the ones before this are not a tiny bit inferior! :)

I would like to clarify my planned upgrade method from 3.4 to 4.0 with you, if you don't mind. I am running a 5 node cluster, running all KVM based VMs with Ceph backend. (Ceph is installed separately, outside of Proxmox.) My concern is that I have to stop all VMs and recreate the cluster during the upgrade. I don't have spare bare metal so I came up with the following idea. I migrate away all VMs from a node, upgrade it to 4.0, create a new cluster on it, then stop some VMs on the old cluster and restart them on the new node and start the process over until all of the nodes are upgraded. Of course on the second and so on upgraded nodes I don't create a new cluster but join the new one. What do you think, will it work?

Kinds regards,
First of all thank you for the amazing, ork! This update is huge, but the ones before this are not a tiny bit inferior! :)

I would like to clarify my planned upgrade method from 3.4 to 4.0 with you, if you don't mind. I am running a 5 node cluster, running all KVM based VMs with Ceph backend. (Ceph is installed separately, outside of Proxmox.) My concern is that I have to stop all VMs and recreate the cluster during the upgrade. I don't have spare bare metal so I came up with the following idea. I migrate away all VMs from a node, upgrade it to 4.0, create a new cluster on it, then stop some VMs on the old cluster and restart them on the new node and start the process over until all of the nodes are upgraded. Of course on the second and so on upgraded nodes I don't create a new cluster but join the new one. What do you think, will it work?

Kinds regards,


I have done it online without vm interruption

The tricky part is to upgrade to jessie and proxmox 4 online , sxtich to cororync2 on all nodes at the same time

Then you ll be able to do live migration and reboot empty hosts

Im on holiday this week but i ll try to post an howto next week

I have done it online without vm interruption

The tricky part is to upgrade to jessie and proxmox 4 online , sxtich to cororync2 on all nodes at the same time

Then you ll be able to do live migration and reboot empty hosts

Im on holiday this week but i ll try to post an howto next week

Thank you very much for making this reply on your holiday! I would be very interested in that howto if you would have time to make it sometime. Enjoy your holiday! :)
Thanks and congrats for the 4.0 release. I'm a new user and I've enjoyed using it so far.

I just wanted to report a small omission in the wiki.
If you navigate to the "Update a running Proxmox Virtual Environment 4.x to latest 4.0" paragraph of the Downloads wiki page (sorry I'm not authorized to post links on the forum yet), a "deb" is missing:
deb <link> jessie main contrib

# security updates
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]deb [/COLOR][/B]<link> jessie/updates main contrib
Thanks and congrats for the 4.0 release. I'm a new user and I've enjoyed using it so far.

I just wanted to report a small omission in the wiki.
If you navigate to the "Update a running Proxmox Virtual Environment 4.x to latest 4.0" paragraph of the Downloads wiki page (sorry I'm not authorized to post links on the forum yet), a "deb" is missing:
deb <link> jessie main contrib

# security updates
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]deb [/COLOR][/B]<link> jessie/updates main contrib

thanks for reporting, already fixed.
Hi, we have following error on apt-get update:

W: Fehlschlag beim Holen von  Erwarteter Eintrag »pve/binary-amd64/Packages« konnte in Release-Datei nicht gefunden werden (falscher Eintrag in sources.list oder missgebildete Datei).

What can we do here? I mean, you have no pve entry in your source-list on only pvetest and no-subscription...

deb jessie main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie main contrib non-free

deb jessie-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie-updates main contrib non-free

deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src jessie/updates main contrib non-free

# PVE packages provided by
deb jessie pve

# PVE pve-no-subscription repository provided by, NOT recommended for production use
deb jessie pve-no-subscription

Best regards
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Get following error when trying installing kernel.
E: Unable to locate package pve-kernel-4.2.2-1-pve
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'pve-kernel-4.2.2-1-pve'
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