Proxmox VE 3.4 - Support Lifecycle


Proxmox Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 28, 2005
Mainstream support
The end date of Proxmox VE 3.4 mainstream support is April 30, 2016. On this date, also the Debian Wheezy security support is ending.

Extended Support
Proxmox VE 3.4 will get security updates until February 28, 2017. This is only for security fixes. No new features will be implemented.

Debian LTS team will provide security updates for selected Wheezy packages. For more details regarding LTS and supported packages, see

If you are still running on Proxmox VE 3.4, we recommend to move to the current Proxmox VE 4.x as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Martin Maurer
Proxmox VE project leader
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Thank you for the information. How do i transfer my 3.4 Proxmox licence to a new/other 4.1 Server?

Greetings rmfausi
Thank you for the information. How do i transfer my 3.4 Proxmox licence to a new/other 4.1 Server?

Greetings rmfausi

1. You have to remove the subscription key from your old host
> rm /etc/subscription

2. You have to re-issue your subscription key (via or your reseller)

3. Upload the key on your new Proxmox VE host
After the end date of Proxmox VE 3.4 mainstream support officials will answer questions in the forum?
Or we can only hope to help the forum participants?
After the end date of Proxmox VE 3.4 mainstream support officials will answer questions in the forum?

We will always try to answer questions. But we will not provide updates or bug fixes ...

Running such old system will also be a security risk, because there are no more security updates.
I understand. I would like to get updated. I started this new admin job and found that proxmox 3.x running on only one node and I have a rather large ZFS file system. Will I be able to preserve this ZFS during the upgrade? Right now, it is looking dim because I cannot get the pve services started to be able to backup containers or anything. If I do a fresh bare metal install, I imagine that it will wipe the disks clean. The ZFS filesystem is on local storage. I am expected to pull out a miracle in about three days. It started with ZFS failing to mount then the containers would not start. Now, pve is not running and I cannot get the services started. It appears that there are some dependencies that are obsolete. Has anyone seen this?

insserv: There is a loop between service zfs-mount and zfs-import if stopped
insserv: loop involving service zfs-import at depth 3
insserv: loop involving service zfs-mount at depth 2
insserv: loop involving service vzeventd at depth 1
insserv: loop involving service networking at depth 2
insserv: There is a loop between service zfs-import and zfs-mount if stopped
insserv: loop involving service umountfs at depth 17
insserv: exiting now without changing boot order!
LXC is still far away to give the same stability and functionality that provides OpenVZ.
LXC is still far away to give the same stability and functionality that provides OpenVZ.

Depends on your needs. For my workload, LXC is much better suited. But this topic is totally unrelated to the thread topic, which is about the Support Life cycle of Proxmox VE 3.4 / Wheezy.
LXC is still far away to give the same stability and functionality that provides OpenVZ.
"Canonical itself has used LXC for numerous and production services for many years, and in fact LXC has been used in every production OpenStack cloud that Canonical has deployed to date." via
I guess this is an eloquent example. But @tom is right, we shouldn't dive more into this topic here.
Depends on your needs. For my workload, LXC is much better suited. But this topic is totally unrelated to the thread topic, which is about the Support Life cycle of Proxmox VE 3.4 / Wheezy.
Please update for CVE-2017-6074. Thank you.


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